Sencha Touch 1.1 hero shot

Welcome to Sencha Touch!

Sencha Touch allows you to develop mobile web apps that look and feel native on Android, Apple, and BlackBerry devices.

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Sencha Touch features beautiful user interface components and rich data management, all powered by the latest HTML5 and CSS3 web standards. Deploy web-based or wrap for distribution on mobile app stores. Get started with Sencha Touch today!

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Get Started

To make the most of the Sencha Touch SDK, place the SDK in your local web server directory. This will ensure you get the best from the examples and documentation and can test your applications with mobile simulator tools.

Follow our Hello World webinar for an example of how to get set up.

Take a Spin

Wondered what’s possible with Sencha Touch? This SDK includes a whole suite of examples. View with a desktop WebKit browser such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or with a mobile emulator such as those in the Android or Xcode SDKs.

Even better, visit the Sencha Touch examples online with your own mobile device.