Alignment Support

This example shows how you can use Overlay's extended positioning support to align or center the overlay either in the viewport or relative to another node on the page. You can specify any one of 9 points (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, top-center, bottom-center, left-center, right-center, center) to align on both the Overlay and the node/viewport it is being aligned to.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc pretium quam eu mi varius pulvinar. Duis orci arcu, ullamcorper sit amet, luctus ut, interdum ac, quam. Pellentesque euismod. Nam tincidunt, purus in ultrices congue, urna neque posuere arcu, aliquam tristique purus sapien id nulla. Etiam rhoncus nulla at leo. Cras scelerisque nisl in nibh. Sed eget odio. Morbi elit elit, porta a, convallis sit amet, rhoncus non, felis. Mauris nulla pede, pretium eleifend, porttitor at, rutrum id, orci. Quisque non urna. Nulla aliquam rhoncus est.

id = #align1
id = #align2
id = #align3