Scrolling DataTable

Datatables can be made to scroll along the x and y axes. The DataTableScroll plugin enables this functionality.

The width and height attributes trigger scrolling along the respective axis, width to make the table scroll along the x axis and height along the y axis. Setting both width and height make the table both x and y scrollable.

Note: Scrolling is not currently supported on the Android WebKit browser.

xy-Scrolling Datatable

The following is a standard xy-scrolling datatable. The width and height are passed into the plugin.

x-Scrolling Datatable

The following is a standard x-scrolling datatable. Only the width is passed into the plugin. The height is automatically set to the entire table height. For this table, a subset of the census data is used to keep the vertical size manageable.

y-Scrolling Datatable

The following is a standard y-scrolling datatable. Only the height is passed into the plugin. The width is automatically set to width of the container. For this table, a columnset with only two columns is used to keep the horizontal size manageable.