Yahoo! UI Library

TreeView Widget  2.5.2

Yahoo! UI Library > treeview > YAHOO.widget.Node

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Class YAHOO.widget.Node - uses YAHOO.util.EventProvider

Known Subclasses:
YAHOO.widget.TextNode YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode YAHOO.widget.RootNode
The base class for all tree nodes. The node's presentation and behavior in response to mouse events is handled in Node subclasses.


YAHOO.widget.Node ( oData , oParent , expanded )
oData <object> a string or object containing the data that will be used to render this node, and any custom attributes that should be stored with the node (which is available in
oParent <Node> this node's parent node
expanded <boolean> the initial expanded/collapsed state


children - Node[]

This node's child node collection.

childrenRendered - boolean

This flag is set to true when the html is generated for this node's children, and set to false when new children are added.

data - object

The data linked to this node. This can be any object or primitive value, and the data can be used in getNodeHtml().

dataLoader - function

Function to execute when we need to get this node's child data.

depth - int

The depth of this node. We start at -1 for the root node.

dynamicLoadComplete - boolean

Dynamically loaded nodes only fetch the data the first time they are expanded. This flag is set to true once the data has been fetched.

expanded - boolean

The node's expanded/collapsed state

hasIcon - boolean

The toggle/branch icon will not show if this is set to false. This could be useful if the implementer wants to have the child contain extra info about the parent, rather than an actual node.

href - string

The href for the node's label. If one is not specified, the href will be set so that it toggles the node.

iconMode - int

Used to configure what happens when a dynamic load node is expanded and we discover that it does not have children. By default, it is treated as if it still could have children (plus/minus icon). Set iconMode to have it display like a leaf node instead.

index - int

The index for this instance obtained from global counter in YAHOO.widget.TreeView.

isLeaf - boolean

If true, the node will alway be rendered as a leaf node. This can be used to override the presentation when dynamically loading the entire tree. Setting this to true also disables the dynamic load call for the node.
Default Value: false

isLoading - boolean

This is true for dynamically loading nodes while waiting for the callback to return.

multiExpand - boolean

Can multiple children be expanded at once?

nextSibling - Node

This node's next sibling

nowrap - boolean

Specifies whether or not the content area of the node should be allowed to wrap.
Default Value: false

parent - Node

Parent node

previousSibling - Node

This node's previous sibling

renderHidden - boolean

Should we render children for a collapsed node? It is possible that the implementer will want to render the hidden data... @todo verify that we need this, and implement it if we do.

target - string

The label href target, defaults to current window

tree - TreeView

Tree instance this node is part of



Node appendTo ( parentNode )
Appends this node to the supplied node's child collection
parentNode <Node> the node to append to.
Returns: Node
The appended node


boolean applyParent ( parentNode )
Certain properties for the node cannot be set until the parent is known. This is called after the node is inserted into a tree. the parent is also applied to this node's children in order to make it possible to move a branch from one tree to another.
parentNode <Node> this node's parent node
Returns: boolean
true if the application was successful

collapse toggle style.

void collapse toggle style. ( )
Hides this nodes children (creating them if necessary), changes the
Returns: void


void collapseAll ( )
Recursively collapses all of this node's children.
Returns: void


string completeRender ( )
Called when we know we have all the child data.
Returns: string
children html


void expand ( )
Shows this nodes children (creating them if necessary), changes the toggle style, and collapses its siblings if multiExpand is not set.
Returns: void


void expandAll ( )
Recursively expands all of this node's children.
Returns: void


Node getAncestor ( depth )
Returns this node's ancestor at the specified depth.
depth <int> the depth of the ancestor.
Returns: Node
the ancestor


HTMLElement getChildrenEl ( )
Returns the div that was generated for this node's children
Returns: HTMLElement
this node's children div


string getChildrenElId ( )
Returns the id for this node's children div
Returns: string
the element id for this node's children div


string getDepthStyle ( depth )
Returns the css class for the spacer at the specified depth for this node. If this node's ancestor at the specified depth has a next sibling the presentation is different than if it does not have a next sibling
depth <int> the depth of the ancestor.
Returns: string
the css class for the spacer


HTMLElement getEl ( )
Returns this node's container html element
Returns: HTMLElement
the container html element


string getElId ( )
Returns the id for this node's container div
Returns: string
the element id


string getHoverStyle ( )
Returns the hover style for the icon
Returns: string
the css class hover state


string getHtml ( )
Returns the markup for this node and its children.
Returns: string
the markup for this node and its expanded children.


int getIconMode ( )
Returns the current icon mode. This refers to the way childless dynamic load nodes appear (this comes into play only after the initial dynamic load request produced no children).
Returns: int
0 for collapse style, 1 for leaf node style


string getNodeHtml ( )
Get the markup for the node. This is designed to be overrided so that we can support different types of nodes.
Returns: string
The HTML that will render this node.


void getSiblings ( )
Returns a node array of this node's siblings, null if none.
Returns: void


string getStyle ( )
Returns the css style name for the toggle
Returns: string
the css class for this node's toggle


HTMLElement getToggleEl ( )
Returns the element that is being used for this node's toggle.
Returns: HTMLElement
this node's toggle html element


string getToggleElId ( )
Returns the id for this node's toggle element
Returns: string
the toggel element id


string getToggleLink ( )
Generates the link that will invoke this node's toggle method
Returns: string
the javascript url for toggling this node


boolean hasChildren ( checkForLazyLoad )
Checks if this node has children. If this node is lazy-loading and the children have not been rendered, we do not know whether or not there are actual children. In most cases, we need to assume that there are children (for instance, the toggle needs to show the expandable presentation state). In other times we want to know if there are rendered children. For the latter, "checkForLazyLoad" should be false.
checkForLazyLoad <boolean> should we check for unloaded children?
Returns: boolean
true if this has children or if it might and we are checking for this condition.


void hideChildren ( )
Hides this node's children
Returns: void


void init ( oData , oParent , expanded )
Initializes this node, gets some of the properties from the parent
oData <object> a string or object containing the data that will be used to render this node
oParent <Node> this node's parent node
expanded <boolean> the initial expanded/collapsed state
Returns: void


Node insertAfter ( node )
Inserts this node after the supplied node
node <Node> the node to insert after
Returns: Node
the inserted node


Node insertBefore ( node )
Inserts this node before this supplied node
node <Node> the node to insert this node before
Returns: Node
the inserted node


boolean isDynamic ( )
Evaluates if this node's children should be loaded dynamically. Looks for the property both in this instance and the root node. If the tree is defined to load all children dynamically, the data callback function is defined in the root node
Returns: boolean
true if this node's children are to be loaded dynamically


boolean isRoot ( )
Evaluates if this node is the root node of the tree
Returns: boolean
true if this is the root node


void loadComplete ( )
Load complete is the callback function we pass to the data provider in dynamic load situations.
Returns: void


void refresh ( )
Regenerates the html for this node and its children. To be used when the node is expanded and new children have been added.
Returns: void


void setDynamicLoad ( fmDataLoader , iconMode )
Configures this node for dynamically obtaining the child data when the node is first expanded. Calling it without the callback will turn off dynamic load for the node.
fmDataLoader <function> the function that will be used to get the data.
iconMode <int> configures the icon that is displayed when a dynamic load node is expanded the first time without children. By default, the "collapse" icon will be used. If set to 1, the leaf node icon will be displayed.
Returns: void


void showChildren ( )
Shows this node's children
Returns: void


void toggle ( )
Expands if node is collapsed, collapses otherwise.
Returns: void


string toString ( )
Node toString
Returns: string
string representation of the node



parentChange ( )
The parentChange event is fired when a parent element is applied to the node. This is useful if you need to apply tree-level properties to a tree that need to happen if a node is moved from one tree to another.

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