Yahoo! UI Library

Slider Widget  2.5.2

Yahoo! UI Library > slider > YAHOO.widget.SliderThumb

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Class YAHOO.widget.SliderThumb - extends YAHOO.util.DD

A drag and drop implementation to be used as the thumb of a slider.


YAHOO.widget.SliderThumb ( id , sGroup , iLeft , iRight , iUp , iDown , iTickSize )
id <String> the id of the slider html element
sGroup <String> the group of related DragDrop items
iLeft <int> the number of pixels the element can move left
iRight <int> the number of pixels the element can move right
iUp <int> the number of pixels the element can move up
iDown <int> the number of pixels the element can move down
iTickSize <int> optional parameter for specifying that the element should move a certain number pixels at a time.


dragOnly - boolean

Override the default setting of dragOnly to true.
Default Value: true

parentElId - string

The id of the thumbs parent HTML element (the slider background element).

startOffset - [int, int]

The (X and Y) difference between the thumb location and its parent (the slider background) when the control is instantiated.

Properties inherited from YAHOO.util.DD:



void clearTicks ( )
Clear's the slider's ticks
Returns: void


void getOffsetFromParent ( parentPos )
Returns the difference between the location of the thumb and its parent.
parentPos <[int, int]> Optionally accepts the position of the parent
Returns: void


int getValue ( )
Gets the current offset from the element's start position in pixels.
Returns: int
the number of pixels (positive or negative) the slider has moved from the start position.


int getXValue ( )
Gets the current X offset from the element's start position in pixels.
Returns: int
the number of pixels (positive or negative) the slider has moved horizontally from the start position.


int getYValue ( )
Gets the current Y offset from the element's start position in pixels.
Returns: int
the number of pixels (positive or negative) the slider has moved vertically from the start position.


void initSlider ( iLeft , iRight , iUp , iDown , iTickSize )
Set up the slider, must be called in the constructor of all subclasses
iLeft <int> the number of pixels the element can move left
iRight <int> the number of pixels the element can move right
iUp <int> the number of pixels the element can move up
iDown <int> the number of pixels the element can move down
iTickSize <int> the width of the tick interval.
Returns: void


string toString ( )
Thumb toString
Returns: string
string representation of the instance

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