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YUI Library Examples: Menu Family: Adding A Context Menu To A TreeView

Menu Family: Adding A Context Menu To A TreeView

This example demonstates how to use the ContextMenu widget to add a context menu to a YUI TreeView control. The context menu allows the user to add, edit and remove items from a TreeView instance.

Please Note: Opera users will need to do the following to use this example:

  • Opera for Windows: Hold down the control key and click with the left mouse button.
  • Opera for OS X: Hold down the command key (⌘) and click with the left mouse button.

When adding context menus to large data structures like a <table> or large list (<ol> or <ul>), it is recommended to bind a single YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu instance to the structure's root element, than to a set of its child nodes (<tr>s or <li>s). Doing so significantly improves the performance of a web page or application by reducing the number of "contextmenu" event handlers as well as the number of YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu instances in memory.

Begin by creating a TreeView instance. Next, create an object that maps HTML ids to their corresponding TextNode instances. As each TextNode instance is added to the TreeView, store a reference to it in the map.

Once the TreeView is created, instantiate a ContextMenu specifying the TreeView instance's root element as its trigger. Lastly, add a "triggerContextMenu" event handler for the ContextMenu instance that uses the "contextEventTarget" property to retrieve the TextNode instance that triggered its display. A reference to the TextNode is stored in a variable (oCurrentTextNode), so that it can be manipulated by the addNode, editNodeLabel, and deleteNode functions.

Menu Family Examples:

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