Dom Collection: Examples
The Dom Collection comprises a family of convenience methods that simplify common DOM-scripting tasks, including element positioning and CSS style management, while normalizing for cross-browser inconsistencies.
- Using setXY: Positioning elements relative to the document coordinate system can be quite a challenge. The Dom Utility provides this method to do it for you.
- Using getXY: Getting element positions relative to the document coordinate system can be quite a challenge. The Dom Utility provides this method to do it for you.
- Using setStyle: There are some differences between browsers regarding how style properties are set on HTMLElements. This method normalizes those for you.
- Using getStyle: There are some differences between browsers regarding how style properties are retrieved from HTMLElements. This method normalizes those for you.
- Using hasClass: This method allows you to test for the presence of a
on an HTMLElement. - Using addClass: This method allows you to add a className to an HTMLElement.
- Using removeClass: This method allows you to remove a
from an HTMLElement. - Using getElementsByClassName: This method allows you select all of the HTMLElements on a given page that share a specific
. - Exploring the Dom Collection's API: The Dom Collection Explorer allows you to interact with some of the oft-used element-targeting functions in the YUI Dom Collection.