DataTable Control: Examples
The DataTable Control provides a simple yet powerful API to display screen-reader accessible tabular data on a web page. Notable features include sortable columns, pagination, scrolling, row selection, resizeable columns, and inline editing.
- Basic Example: A demonstration of the DataTable's basic feature set.
- Progressive Enhancement: A progressively enhanced DataTable based on existing markup.
- Custom Cell Formatting: Custom formatting for DataTable cells.
- Conditional row coloring: Coloring DataTable rows using custom column formatters.
- Nested Headers: Nested column headers.
- JSON Data Over XHR: The display of tabular JSON data retrieved via XHR.
- XML Data Over XHR With POST: The display of XML data retrieved via an XHR POST request.
- Textual Data Over XHR: The display of textual data retrieved over XHR
- Local XML Data: The display of XML data placed locally within the page by Connection Manager.
- Polling the DataSource: Polling the DataSource for data at regular intervals
- Adding, Updating, and Deleting Rows: Adding, updating, and deleting row data.
- Client-side Pagination: The use of client-side pagination to break up a dataset into manageable, page-sized chunks.
- Client-side Sorting: Client-side Column sort using a custom function.
- Server-side Pagination and Sorting for Dynamic Data: Server-side pagination and sorting for dynamic data.
- Integrating Browser History Manager with Server-side Pagination and Sorting: Integration of Browser History Manager and DataTable, with server-side pagination and sorting enabled.
- XY-scrolling, Y-scrolling, and X-scrolling: Scrolling along x, y, or xy axes.
- Row Selection: Row selection models.
- Cell Selection: Cell selection models.
- Inline Cell Editing: Implementing inline cell editing.
- Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Columns.: Showing, hiding, and reordering Columns.
- Highlighting Cells, Rows, or Columns: Enable highlighting on cells, rows, or columns
- Context Menu Integration: Integration of DataTable with the the Menu Control's ContextMenu feature.
- TabView Integration: Integration of DataTable with the the Menu Control's ContextMenu feature.
- Complex Example of Multiple Features: Several features combined into one DataTable.
- Datatable with Autocomplete: Use an AutoComplete Control to filter Datatable results.
- Skinning Model: An explanation of DataTable's skinning model.