Yahoo! UI Library

connection  2.8.0r4

Yahoo! UI Library > connection > connection_core.js (source view)
 * The Connection Manager provides a simplified interface to the XMLHttpRequest
 * object.  It handles cross-browser instantiantion of XMLHttpRequest, negotiates the
 * interactive states and server response, returning the results to a pre-defined
 * callback you create.
 * @namespace YAHOO.util
 * @module connection
 * @requires yahoo
 * @requires event

 * The Connection Manager singleton provides methods for creating and managing
 * asynchronous transactions.
 * @class Connect

YAHOO.util.Connect =
   * @description Array of MSFT ActiveX ids for XMLHttpRequest.
   * @property _msxml_progid
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type array

   * @description Object literal of HTTP header(s)
   * @property _http_header
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type object

   * @description Determines if HTTP headers are set.
   * @property _has_http_headers
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type boolean

  * @description Determines if a default header of
  * Content-Type of 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  * will be added to any client HTTP headers sent for POST
  * transactions.
  * @property _use_default_post_header
  * @private
  * @static
  * @type boolean

  * @description The default header used for POST transactions.
  * @property _default_post_header
  * @private
  * @static
  * @type boolean
    _default_post_header:'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',

  * @description The default header used for transactions involving the
  * use of HTML forms.
  * @property _default_form_header
  * @private
  * @static
  * @type boolean

  * @description Determines if a default header of
  * 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest'
  * will be added to each transaction.
  * @property _use_default_xhr_header
  * @private
  * @static
  * @type boolean

  * @description The default header value for the label
  * "X-Requested-With".  This is sent with each
  * transaction, by default, to identify the
  * request as being made by YUI Connection Manager.
  * @property _default_xhr_header
  * @private
  * @static
  * @type boolean

  * @description Determines if custom, default headers
  * are set for each transaction.
  * @property _has_default_header
  * @private
  * @static
  * @type boolean

  * @description Determines if custom, default headers
  * are set for each transaction.
  * @property _has_default_header
  * @private
  * @static
  * @type boolean

  * @description Collection of polling references to the polling mechanism in handleReadyState.
  * @property _poll
  * @private
  * @static
  * @type object

  * @description Queue of timeout values for each transaction callback with a defined timeout value.
  * @property _timeOut
  * @private
  * @static
  * @type object

   * @description The polling frequency, in milliseconds, for HandleReadyState.
   * when attempting to determine a transaction's XHR readyState.
   * The default is 50 milliseconds.
   * @property _polling_interval
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type int

   * @description A transaction counter that increments the transaction id for each transaction.
   * @property _transaction_id
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type int

   * @description Custom event that fires at the start of a transaction
   * @property startEvent
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type CustomEvent
	startEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('start'),

   * @description Custom event that fires when a transaction response has completed.
   * @property completeEvent
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type CustomEvent
	completeEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('complete'),

   * @description Custom event that fires when handleTransactionResponse() determines a
   * response in the HTTP 2xx range.
   * @property successEvent
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type CustomEvent
	successEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('success'),

   * @description Custom event that fires when handleTransactionResponse() determines a
   * response in the HTTP 4xx/5xx range.
   * @property failureEvent
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type CustomEvent
	failureEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('failure'),

   * @description Custom event that fires when a transaction is successfully aborted.
   * @property abortEvent
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type CustomEvent
	abortEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('abort'),

   * @description A reference table that maps callback custom events members to its specific
   * event name.
   * @property _customEvents
   * @private
   * @static
   * @type object
		onStart:['startEvent', 'start'],
		onComplete:['completeEvent', 'complete'],
		onSuccess:['successEvent', 'success'],
		onFailure:['failureEvent', 'failure'],
		onUpload:['uploadEvent', 'upload'],
		onAbort:['abortEvent', 'abort']

   * @description Member to add an ActiveX id to the existing xml_progid array.
   * In the event(unlikely) a new ActiveX id is introduced, it can be added
   * without internal code modifications.
   * @method setProgId
   * @public
   * @static
   * @param {string} id The ActiveX id to be added to initialize the XHR object.
   * @return void
		YAHOO.log('ActiveX Program Id  ' + id + ' added to _msxml_progid.', 'info', 'Connection');

   * @description Member to override the default POST header.
   * @method setDefaultPostHeader
   * @public
   * @static
   * @param {boolean} b Set and use default header - true or false .
   * @return void
		if(typeof b == 'string'){
			this._default_post_header = b;
			YAHOO.log('Default POST header set to  ' + b, 'info', 'Connection');
		else if(typeof b == 'boolean'){
			this._use_default_post_header = b;

   * @description Member to override the default transaction header..
   * @method setDefaultXhrHeader
   * @public
   * @static
   * @param {boolean} b Set and use default header - true or false .
   * @return void
		if(typeof b == 'string'){
			this._default_xhr_header = b;
			YAHOO.log('Default XHR header set to  ' + b, 'info', 'Connection');
			this._use_default_xhr_header = b;

   * @description Member to modify the default polling interval.
   * @method setPollingInterval
   * @public
   * @static
   * @param {int} i The polling interval in milliseconds.
   * @return void
		if(typeof i == 'number' && isFinite(i)){
			this._polling_interval = i;
			YAHOO.log('Default polling interval set to ' + i +'ms', 'info', 'Connection');

   * @description Instantiates a XMLHttpRequest object and returns an object with two properties:
   * the XMLHttpRequest instance and the transaction id.
   * @method createXhrObject
   * @private
   * @static
   * @param {int} transactionId Property containing the transaction id for this transaction.
   * @return object
		var obj,http,i;
			// Instantiates XMLHttpRequest in non-IE browsers and assigns to http.
			http = new XMLHttpRequest();
			//  Object literal with http and tId properties
			obj = { conn:http, tId:transactionId, xhr: true };
			YAHOO.log('XHR object created for transaction ' + transactionId, 'info', 'Connection');
			for(i=0; i<this._msxml_progid.length; ++i){
					// Instantiates XMLHttpRequest for IE and assign to http
					http = new ActiveXObject(this._msxml_progid[i]);
					//  Object literal with conn and tId properties
					obj = { conn:http, tId:transactionId, xhr: true };
					YAHOO.log('ActiveX XHR object created for transaction ' + transactionId, 'info', 'Connection');
			return obj;

   * @description This method is called by asyncRequest to create a
   * valid connection object for the transaction.  It also passes a
   * transaction id and increments the transaction id counter.
   * @method getConnectionObject
   * @private
   * @static
   * @return {object}
		var o, tId = this._transaction_id;

				o = this.createXhrObject(tId);
				o = {tId:tId};
					o.conn = this._transport;
					o.xdr = true;
				else if(t==='upload'){
					o.upload = true;

		return o;

   * @description Method for initiating an asynchronous request via the XHR object.
   * @method asyncRequest
   * @public
   * @static
   * @param {string} method HTTP transaction method
   * @param {string} uri Fully qualified path of resource
   * @param {callback} callback User-defined callback function or object
   * @param {string} postData POST body
   * @return {object} Returns the connection object
	asyncRequest:function(method, uri, callback, postData)
		var o,t,args = (callback && callback.argument)?callback.argument:null;

			t = 'upload';
		else if(callback.xdr){
			t = 'xdr';

		o = this.getConnectionObject(t);
			YAHOO.log('Unable to create connection object.', 'error', 'Connection');
			return null;

			// Intialize any transaction-specific custom events, if provided.
			if(callback && callback.customevents){
				this.initCustomEvents(o, callback);

					this.uploadFile(o, callback, uri, postData);
					return o;

				// If the specified HTTP method is GET, setForm() will return an
				// encoded string that is concatenated to the uri to
				// create a querystring.
				if(method.toUpperCase() == 'GET'){
					if(this._sFormData.length !== 0){
						// If the URI already contains a querystring, append an ampersand
						// and then concatenate _sFormData to the URI.
						uri += ((uri.indexOf('?') == -1)?'?':'&') + this._sFormData;
				else if(method.toUpperCase() == 'POST'){
					// If POST data exist in addition to the HTML form data,
					// it will be concatenated to the form data.
					postData = postData?this._sFormData + "&" + postData:this._sFormData;

			if(method.toUpperCase() == 'GET' && (callback && callback.cache === false)){
				// If callback.cache is defined and set to false, a
				// timestamp value will be added to the querystring.
				uri += ((uri.indexOf('?') == -1)?'?':'&') + "rnd=" + new Date().valueOf().toString();

			// Each transaction will automatically include a custom header of
			// "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" to identify the request as
			// having originated from Connection Manager.
					this.initHeader('X-Requested-With', this._default_xhr_header, true);
					YAHOO.log('Initialize transaction header X-Request-Header to XMLHttpRequest.', 'info', 'Connection');

			//If the transaction method is POST and the POST header value is set to true
			//or a custom value, initalize the Content-Type header to this value.
			if((method.toUpperCase() === 'POST' && this._use_default_post_header) && this._isFormSubmit === false){
				this.initHeader('Content-Type', this._default_post_header);
				YAHOO.log('Initialize header Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; UTF-8 for POST transaction.', 'info', 'Connection');

				this.xdr(o, method, uri, callback, postData);
				return o;
			}, uri, true);
			//Initialize all default and custom HTTP headers,
			if(this._has_default_headers || this._has_http_headers){

			this.handleReadyState(o, callback);
			o.conn.send(postData || '');
			YAHOO.log('Transaction ' + o.tId + ' sent.', 'info', 'Connection');

			// Reset the HTML form data and state properties as
			// soon as the data are submitted.
			if(this._isFormSubmit === true){

			// Fire global custom event -- startEvent, args);

				// Fire transaction custom event -- startEvent, args);

			return o;

   * @description This method creates and subscribes custom events,
   * specific to each transaction
   * @method initCustomEvents
   * @private
   * @static
   * @param {object} o The connection object
   * @param {callback} callback The user-defined callback object
   * @return {void}
	initCustomEvents:function(o, callback)
		var prop;
		// Enumerate through callback.customevents members and bind/subscribe
		// events that match in the _customEvents table.
		for(prop in callback.customevents){
				// Create the custom event
				o[this._customEvents[prop][0]] = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(this._customEvents[prop][1], (callback.scope)?callback.scope:null);
				YAHOO.log('Transaction-specific Custom Event ' + o[this._customEvents[prop][1]] + ' created.', 'info', 'Connection');

				// Subscribe the custom event
				YAHOO.log('Transaction-specific Custom Event ' + o[this._customEvents[prop][1]] + ' subscribed.', 'info', 'Connection');

   * @description This method serves as a timer that polls the XHR object's readyState
   * property during a transaction, instead of binding a callback to the
   * onreadystatechange event.  Upon readyState 4, handleTransactionResponse
   * will process the response, and the timer will be cleared.
   * @method handleReadyState
   * @private
   * @static
   * @param {object} o The connection object
   * @param {callback} callback The user-defined callback object
   * @return {void}

    handleReadyState:function(o, callback)

		var oConn = this,
			args = (callback && callback.argument)?callback.argument:null;

		if(callback && callback.timeout){
			this._timeOut[o.tId] = window.setTimeout(function(){ oConn.abort(o, callback, true); }, callback.timeout);

		this._poll[o.tId] = window.setInterval(
				if(o.conn && o.conn.readyState === 4){

					// Clear the polling interval for the transaction
					// and remove the reference from _poll.
					delete oConn._poll[o.tId];

					if(callback && callback.timeout){
						delete oConn._timeOut[o.tId];

					// Fire global custom event -- completeEvent, args);

						// Fire transaction custom event -- completeEvent, args);

					oConn.handleTransactionResponse(o, callback);

   * @description This method attempts to interpret the server response and
   * determine whether the transaction was successful, or if an error or
   * exception was encountered.
   * @method handleTransactionResponse
   * @private
   * @static
   * @param {object} o The connection object
   * @param {object} callback The user-defined callback object
   * @param {boolean} isAbort Determines if the transaction was terminated via abort().
   * @return {void}
    handleTransactionResponse:function(o, callback, isAbort)
		var httpStatus, responseObject,
			args = (callback && callback.argument)?callback.argument:null,
			xdrS = (o.r && o.r.statusText === 'xdr:success')?true:false,
			xdrF = (o.r && o.r.statusText === 'xdr:failure')?true:false,
			xdrA = isAbort;

			if((o.conn.status !== undefined && o.conn.status !== 0) || xdrS){
				// XDR requests will not have HTTP status defined. The
				// statusText property will define the response status
				// set by the Flash transport.
				httpStatus = o.conn.status;
			else if(xdrF && !xdrA){
				// Set XDR transaction failure to a status of 0, which
				// resolves as an HTTP failure, instead of an exception.
				httpStatus = 0;
				httpStatus = 13030;

			 // 13030 is a custom code to indicate the condition -- in Mozilla/FF --
			 // when the XHR object's status and statusText properties are
			 // unavailable, and a query attempt throws an exception.
			httpStatus = 13030;

		if((httpStatus >= 200 && httpStatus < 300) || httpStatus === 1223 || xdrS){
			responseObject = o.xdr ? o.r : this.createResponseObject(o, args);
			if(callback && callback.success){
					YAHOO.log('Success callback. HTTP code is ' + httpStatus, 'info', 'Connection');
					// If a scope property is defined, the callback will be fired from
					// the context of the object.
					callback.success.apply(callback.scope, [responseObject]);
					YAHOO.log('Success callback with scope. HTTP code is ' + httpStatus, 'info', 'Connection');

			// Fire global custom event -- successEvent;

				// Fire transaction custom event -- successEvent;
				// The following cases are wininet.dll error codes that may be encountered.
				case 12002: // Server timeout
				case 12029: // 12029 to 12031 correspond to dropped connections.
				case 12030:
				case 12031:
				case 12152: // Connection closed by server.
				case 13030: // See above comments for variable status.
					// XDR transactions will not resolve to this case, since the
					// response object is already built in the xdr response.
					responseObject = this.createExceptionObject(o.tId, args, (isAbort?isAbort:false));
					if(callback && callback.failure){
							YAHOO.log('Failure callback. Exception detected. Status code is ' + httpStatus, 'warn', 'Connection');
							callback.failure.apply(callback.scope, [responseObject]);
							YAHOO.log('Failure callback with scope. Exception detected. Status code is ' + httpStatus, 'warn', 'Connection');

					responseObject = (o.xdr) ? o.response : this.createResponseObject(o, args);
					if(callback && callback.failure){
							YAHOO.log('Failure callback. HTTP status code is ' + httpStatus, 'warn', 'Connection');
							callback.failure.apply(callback.scope, [responseObject]);
							YAHOO.log('Failure callback with scope. HTTP status code is ' + httpStatus, 'warn', 'Connection');

			// Fire global custom event -- failureEvent;

				// Fire transaction custom event -- failureEvent;


		responseObject = null;

   * @description This method evaluates the server response, creates and returns the results via
   * its properties.  Success and failure cases will differ in the response
   * object's property values.
   * @method createResponseObject
   * @private
   * @static
   * @param {object} o The connection object
   * @param {callbackArg} callbackArg The user-defined argument or arguments to be passed to the callback
   * @return {object}
    createResponseObject:function(o, callbackArg)
		var obj = {}, headerObj = {},
			i, headerStr, header, delimitPos;

			headerStr = o.conn.getAllResponseHeaders();
			header = headerStr.split('\n');
			for(i=0; i<header.length; i++){
				delimitPos = header[i].indexOf(':');
				if(delimitPos != -1){
					headerObj[header[i].substring(0,delimitPos)] = YAHOO.lang.trim(header[i].substring(delimitPos+2));

		obj.tId = o.tId;
		// Normalize IE's response to HTTP 204 when Win error 1223.
		obj.status = (o.conn.status == 1223)?204:o.conn.status;
		// Normalize IE's statusText to "No Content" instead of "Unknown".
		obj.statusText = (o.conn.status == 1223)?"No Content":o.conn.statusText;
		obj.getResponseHeader = headerObj;
		obj.getAllResponseHeaders = headerStr;
		obj.responseText = o.conn.responseText;
		obj.responseXML = o.conn.responseXML;

			obj.argument = callbackArg;

		return obj;

   * @description If a transaction cannot be completed due to dropped or closed connections,
   * there may be not be enough information to build a full response object.
   * The failure callback will be fired and this specific condition can be identified
   * by a status property value of 0.
   * If an abort was successful, the status property will report a value of -1.
   * @method createExceptionObject
   * @private
   * @static
   * @param {int} tId The Transaction Id
   * @param {callbackArg} callbackArg The user-defined argument or arguments to be passed to the callback
   * @param {boolean} isAbort Determines if the exception case is caused by a transaction abort
   * @return {object}
    createExceptionObject:function(tId, callbackArg, isAbort)
		var COMM_CODE = 0,
			COMM_ERROR = 'communication failure',
			ABORT_CODE = -1,
			ABORT_ERROR = 'transaction aborted',
			obj = {};

		obj.tId = tId;
			obj.status = ABORT_CODE;
			obj.statusText = ABORT_ERROR;
			obj.status = COMM_CODE;
			obj.statusText = COMM_ERROR;

			obj.argument = callbackArg;

		return obj;

   * @description Method that initializes the custom HTTP headers for the each transaction.
   * @method initHeader
   * @public
   * @static
   * @param {string} label The HTTP header label
   * @param {string} value The HTTP header value
   * @param {string} isDefault Determines if the specific header is a default header
   * automatically sent with each transaction.
   * @return {void}
	initHeader:function(label, value, isDefault)
		var headerObj = (isDefault)?this._default_headers:this._http_headers;

		headerObj[label] = value;
			this._has_default_headers = true;
			this._has_http_headers = true;

   * @description Accessor that sets the HTTP headers for each transaction.
   * @method setHeader
   * @private
   * @static
   * @param {object} o The connection object for the transaction.
   * @return {void}
		var prop;
			for(prop in this._default_headers){
				if(YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this._default_headers, prop)){
					o.conn.setRequestHeader(prop, this._default_headers[prop]);
					YAHOO.log('Default HTTP header ' + prop + ' set with value of ' + this._default_headers[prop], 'info', 'Connection');

			for(prop in this._http_headers){
				if(YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this._http_headers, prop)){
					o.conn.setRequestHeader(prop, this._http_headers[prop]);
					YAHOO.log('HTTP header ' + prop + ' set with value of ' + this._http_headers[prop], 'info', 'Connection');

			this._http_headers = {};
			this._has_http_headers = false;

   * @description Resets the default HTTP headers object
   * @method resetDefaultHeaders
   * @public
   * @static
   * @return {void}
		this._default_headers = {};
		this._has_default_headers = false;

   * @description Method to terminate a transaction, if it has not reached readyState 4.
   * @method abort
   * @public
   * @static
   * @param {object} o The connection object returned by asyncRequest.
   * @param {object} callback  User-defined callback object.
   * @param {string} isTimeout boolean to indicate if abort resulted from a callback timeout.
   * @return {boolean}
	abort:function(o, callback, isTimeout)
		var abortStatus,
			args = (callback && callback.argument)?callback.argument:null;
			o = o || {};

					// Issue abort request

					delete this._poll[o.tId];

						delete this._timeOut[o.tId];

					abortStatus = true;
			else if(o.xdr){
				abortStatus = true;
		else if(o.upload){
			var frameId = 'yuiIO' + o.tId;
			var io = document.getElementById(frameId);

				// Remove all listeners on the iframe prior to
				// its destruction.
				YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(io, "load");
				// Destroy the iframe facilitating the transaction.
				YAHOO.log('File upload iframe destroyed. Id is:' + frameId, 'info', 'Connection');

					delete this._timeOut[o.tId];

				abortStatus = true;
			abortStatus = false;

		if(abortStatus === true){
			// Fire global custom event -- abortEvent, args);

				// Fire transaction custom event -- abortEvent, args);

			this.handleTransactionResponse(o, callback, true);
			YAHOO.log('Transaction ' + o.tId + ' aborted.', 'info', 'Connection');

		return abortStatus;

   * @description Determines if the transaction is still being processed.
   * @method isCallInProgress
   * @public
   * @static
   * @param {object} o The connection object returned by asyncRequest
   * @return {boolean}
		o = o || {};
		// if the XHR object assigned to the transaction has not been dereferenced,
		// then check its readyState status.  Otherwise, return false.
		if(o.xhr && o.conn){
			return o.conn.readyState !== 4 && o.conn.readyState !== 0;
		else if(o.xdr && o.conn){
			return o.conn.isCallInProgress(o.tId);
		else if(o.upload === true){
			return document.getElementById('yuiIO' + o.tId)?true:false;
			return false;

   * @description Dereference the XHR instance and the connection object after the transaction is completed.
   * @method releaseObject
   * @private
   * @static
   * @param {object} o The connection object
   * @return {void}
		if(o && o.conn){
			//dereference the XHR instance.
			o.conn = null;

			YAHOO.log('Connection object for transaction ' + o.tId + ' destroyed.', 'info', 'Connection');

			//dereference the connection object.
			o = null;

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