Yahoo! UI Library

TreeView Widget  2.9.0

Yahoo! UI Library > treeview > YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode

Class YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode - extends YAHOO.widget.Node

This implementation takes either a string or object for the oData argument. If is it a string, it will use it for the display of this node (and it can contain any html code). If the parameter is an object,it looks for a parameter called "html" that will be used for this node's display.


YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode ( oData , oParent , expanded , hasIcon )
oData <object> a string or object containing the data that will be used to render this node. Providing a string is the same as providing an object with a single property named html. All values in the oData will be used to set equally named properties in the node as long as the node does have such properties, they are not undefined, private or functions. All other attributes are made available in, which can be used to store custom attributes. TreeView.getNode(s)ByProperty can be used to retrieve a node by one of the attributes.
oParent <YAHOO.widget.Node> this node's parent node
expanded <boolean> the initial expanded/collapsed state (deprecated; use oData.expanded)
hasIcon <boolean> specifies whether or not leaf nodes should be rendered with or without a horizontal line and/or toggle icon. If the icon is not displayed, the content fills the space it would have occupied. This option operates independently of the leaf node presentation logic for dynamic nodes. (deprecated; use oData.hasIcon)


_deferredNodes - private static YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode[]

An array of HTMLNodes created with HTML Elements that had their rendering deferred until the basic tree structure is rendered.
Default Value: []

_timer - private static System Timer

A system timer value used to mark whether a deferred operation is pending.
Default Value: null

_type - private string

The node type
Default Value: "HTMLNode"

contentStyle - string

The CSS class for the html content container. Defaults to ygtvhtml, but can be overridden to provide a custom presentation for a specific node.

html - string

The HTML content to use for this node's display



Object | false getNodeDefinition ( )
Returns an object which could be used to build a tree out of this node and its children. It can be passed to the tree constructor to reproduce this node as a tree. It will return false if any node loads dynamically, regardless of whether it is loaded or not.
Returns: Object | false
definition of the tree or false if any node is defined as dynamic


void initContent ( oData , hasIcon )
Sets up the node label
oData <object> An html string or object containing an html property
hasIcon <boolean> determines if the node will be rendered with an icon or not


void setHtml ( o )
Synchronizes the node.html, and the node's content
o <object |string | HTMLElement > An html string, an object containing an html property or an HTML element

Events inherited from YAHOO.widget.Node:

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