Yahoo! UI Library

querystring  3.1.0

Yahoo! UI Library > querystring > QueryString

static Class QueryString

The QueryString module adds support for serializing JavaScript objects into query strings and parsing JavaScript objects from query strings format.

The QueryString namespace is added to your YUI instance including static methods Y.QueryString.parse(..) and Y.QueryString.stringify(..).

The querystring module is a rollup of querystring-parse and querystring-stringify.

As their names suggest, querystring-parse adds support for parsing Query String data (Y.QueryString.parse) and querystring-stringify for serializing JavaScript data into Query Strings (Y.QueryString.stringify). You may choose to include either of the submodules individually if you don't need the complementary functionality, or include the rollup for both.



static void stringify ( obj , sep , eq )

Converts a simple object to a Query String representation.

Nested objects, Arrays, and so on, are not supported.

obj <Variant> any arbitrary value to convert to query string
sep <String> (optional) Character that should join param k=v pairs together. Default: "&"
eq <String> (optional) Character that should join keys to their values. Default: "="

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