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YUI Library Examples: Sortable List Utility: Multiple Sortable Lists - Separate

Sortable List Utility: Multiple Sortable Lists - Separate

This example makes multiple sortable lists that are separate from one another and do not interact with each other.

  • Item #1.1
  • Item #1.2
  • Item #1.3
  • Item #1.4
  • Item #1.5
  • Item #1.6
  • Item #1.7
  • Item #1.8
  • Item #1.9
  • Item #1.10
  • Item #2.1
  • Item #2.2
  • Item #2.3
  • Item #2.4
  • Item #2.5
  • Item #2.6
  • Item #2.7
  • Item #2.8
  • Item #2.9
  • Item #2.10

Setting up the list

First we need to create the HTML structure for the lists. Since Sortable uses Y.DD.Delegate, we need to set up the delegation containers (#list1, #lists2) and the list items (li).

  1. <div id="demo" class="yui-g">
  2. <div class="yui-u first">
  3. <ul id="list1">
  4. <li>Item #1.1</li>
  5. <li>Item #1.2</li>
  6. <li>Item #1.3</li>
  7. <li>Item #1.4</li>
  8. <li>Item #1.5</li>
  9. <li>Item #1.6</li>
  10. <li>Item #1.7</li>
  11. <li>Item #1.8</li>
  12. <li>Item #1.9</li>
  13. <li>Item #1.10</li>
  14. </ul>
  15. </div>
  16. <div class="yui-u">
  17. <ul id="list2">
  18. <li>Item #2.1</li>
  19. <li>Item #2.2</li>
  20. <li>Item #2.3</li>
  21. <li>Item #2.4</li>
  22. <li>Item #2.5</li>
  23. <li>Item #2.6</li>
  24. <li>Item #2.7</li>
  25. <li>Item #2.8</li>
  26. <li>Item #2.9</li>
  27. <li>Item #2.10</li>
  28. </ul>
  29. </div>
  30. </div>
<div id="demo" class="yui-g">
    <div class="yui-u first">
        <ul id="list1">
            <li>Item #1.1</li>
            <li>Item #1.2</li>
            <li>Item #1.3</li>
            <li>Item #1.4</li>
            <li>Item #1.5</li>
            <li>Item #1.6</li>
            <li>Item #1.7</li>
            <li>Item #1.8</li>
            <li>Item #1.9</li>
            <li>Item #1.10</li>
    <div class="yui-u">
        <ul id="list2">
            <li>Item #2.1</li>
            <li>Item #2.2</li>
            <li>Item #2.3</li>
            <li>Item #2.4</li>
            <li>Item #2.5</li>
            <li>Item #2.6</li>
            <li>Item #2.7</li>
            <li>Item #2.8</li>
            <li>Item #2.9</li>
            <li>Item #2.10</li>

Now we give the lists some CSS to make them visible.

  1. #demo {
  2. float: none;
  3. border: 1px solid black;
  4. }
  5. #demo li {
  6. list-style-type: none;
  7. padding: 3px;
  8. width: 150px;
  9. border: 1px solid black;
  10. margin: 3px;
  11. background-color: #8DD5E7;
  12. }
    #demo {
        float: none;
        border: 1px solid black;
    #demo li {
        list-style-type: none;
        padding: 3px;
        width: 150px;
        border: 1px solid black;
        margin: 3px;
        background-color: #8DD5E7;

Setting up the YUI Instance

Now we need to create our YUI instance and tell it to load the sortable module.

In this example we are also going to attach a DD plugin to the Sortable instances.

  1. YUI().use('dd-constrain', 'sortable'
YUI().use('dd-constrain', 'sortable'

Making the lists draggable

Now that we have a YUI instance with the sortable module, we need to instantiate a Sortable instance on each of the lists.

  1. YUI().use('dd-constrain', 'sortable', function(Y) {
  2. var list1 = new Y.Sortable({
  3. container: '#list1',
  4. nodes: 'li',
  5. opacity: '.1'
  6. });
  8. var list2 = new Y.Sortable({
  9. container: '#list2',
  10. nodes: 'li',
  11. opacity: '.1'
  12. });
  13. });
YUI().use('dd-constrain', 'sortable', function(Y) {
    var list1 = new Y.Sortable({
        container: '#list1',
        nodes: 'li',
        opacity: '.1'
    var list2 = new Y.Sortable({
        container: '#list2',
        nodes: 'li',
        opacity: '.1'

Applying a DD plugin

Since Sortable uses DD.Delegate, there is a dd instance available after instantiation.

The DD.Delegate reference is found on the .delegate property of the Sortable. This DD.Delegate instance has a DD.Drag instance bound to the dd property on the DD.Delegate

  1. list1.delegate.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {
  2. constrain2node: '#demo'
  3. });
    list1.delegate.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {
        constrain2node: '#demo'

Applying the Plugin.DDConstrained to the Sortable instance.

  1. var list1 = new Y.Sortable({
  2. container: '#list1',
  3. nodes: 'li',
  4. opacity: '.1'
  5. });
  6. list1.delegate.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {
  7. constrain2node: '#demo'
  8. });
    var list1 = new Y.Sortable({
        container: '#list1',
        nodes: 'li',
        opacity: '.1'
    list1.delegate.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {
        constrain2node: '#demo'

Full Example Source

  1. YUI().use('dd-constrain', 'sortable', function(Y) {
  2. var list1 = new Y.Sortable({
  3. container: '#list1',
  4. nodes: 'li',
  5. opacity: '.1'
  6. });
  7. list1.delegate.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {
  8. constrain2node: '#demo'
  9. });
  11. var list2 = new Y.Sortable({
  12. container: '#list2',
  13. nodes: 'li',
  14. opacity: '.1'
  15. });
  16. list2.delegate.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {
  17. constrain2node: '#demo'
  18. });
  19. });
YUI().use('dd-constrain', 'sortable', function(Y) {
    var list1 = new Y.Sortable({
        container: '#list1',
        nodes: 'li',
        opacity: '.1'
    list1.delegate.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {
        constrain2node: '#demo'
    var list2 = new Y.Sortable({
        container: '#list2',
        nodes: 'li',
        opacity: '.1'
    list2.delegate.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, {
        constrain2node: '#demo'

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