Yahoo! UI Library

yui  3.2.0

Yahoo! UI Library > yui > Object

Class Object

Adds the following Object utilities to the YUI instance



static Object () ( o )
Y.Object(o) returns a new object based upon the supplied object.
o <object> the supplier object
Returns: Object
the new object


private static boolean|Array _extract ( o , what )
Extracts the keys, values, or size from an object
o <object> the object
what <object> what to extract (0: keys, 1: values, 2: size)
Returns: boolean|Array
the extracted info


static YUI each ( o , f , c , proto )
Executes a function on each item. The function receives the value, the key, and the object as parameters (in that order).
o <object> the object to iterate
f <Function> the function to execute on each item. The function receives three arguments: the value, the the key, the full object.
c <object> the execution context
proto <boolean> include proto
Returns: YUI
the YUI instance


Any getValue ( o , path )
Retrieves the sub value at the provided path, from the value object provided.
o <object> The object from which to extract the property value
path <Array> A path array, specifying the object traversal path from which to obtain the sub value.
Returns: Any
The value stored in the path, undefined if not found, undefined if the source is not an object. Returns the source object if an empty path is provided.


static boolean hasKey ( o , k )
Returns true if the object contains a given key
o <object> an object
k <object> the key to query
Returns: boolean
true if the object contains the key


static boolean hasValue ( o , v )
Returns true if the object contains a given value
o <object> an object
v <object> the value to query
Returns: boolean
true if the object contains the value


boolean isEmpty ( )
Returns true if the object has no properties of its own
Returns: boolean
true if the object is empty


static string[] keys ( o )
Returns an array containing the object's keys
o <object> an object
Returns: string[]
the keys


static boolean owns ( o , p )
Determines whether or not the property was added to the object instance. Returns false if the property is not present in the object, or was inherited from the prototype.
o <any> The object being testing
p <string> the property to look for
Returns: boolean
true if the object has the property on the instance


Object setValue ( o , path , val )
Sets the sub-attribute value at the provided path on the value object. Returns the modified value object, or undefined if the path is invalid.
o <object> The object on which to set the sub value.
path <Array> A path array, specifying the object traversal path at which to set the sub value.
val <Any> The new value for the sub-attribute.
Returns: Object
The modified object, with the new sub value set, or undefined, if the path was invalid.


static int size ( o )
Returns the size of an object
o <object> an object
Returns: int
the size


static boolean some ( o , f , c , proto )
Executes a function on each item, but halts if the function returns true. The function receives the value, the key, and the object as paramters (in that order).
o <object> the object to iterate
f <Function> the function to execute on each item. The function receives three arguments: the value, the the key, the full object.
c <object> the execution context
proto <boolean> include proto
Returns: boolean
true if any execution of the function returns true, false otherwise


static Array values ( o )
Returns an array containing the object's values
o <object> an object
Returns: Array
the values

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