Yahoo! UI Library

scrollview-paginator  3.2.0

Yahoo! UI Library > scrollview-paginator > paginator-plugin.js (source view)
 * Provides a plugin, which adds pagination support to ScrollView instances
 * @module scrollview-paginator
    UI = Y.ScrollView.UI_SRC;

 * Scrollview plugin that adds support for paging
 * @class ScrollViewPaginator
 * @namespace Plugin
 * @extends Plugin.Base 
 * @constructor
function PaginatorPlugin() {
    PaginatorPlugin.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

 * The identity of the plugin
 * @property ScrollViewPaginator.NAME
 * @type String
 * @default 'paginatorPlugin'
 * @static
PaginatorPlugin.NAME = 'pluginScrollViewPaginator';

 * The namespace on which the plugin will reside
 * @property ScrollViewPaginator.NS
 * @type String
 * @default 'pages'
 * @static
PaginatorPlugin.NS = 'pages';

 * The default attribute configuration for the plugin
 * @property ScrollViewPaginator.ATTRS
 * @type Object
 * @static
PaginatorPlugin.ATTRS = {

     * CSS selector for a page inside the scrollview. The scrollview
     * will snap to the closest page.
     * @attribute selector
     * @type {String}
    selector: {
        value: null
     * The active page number for a paged scrollview
     * @attribute index
     * @type {Number}
     * @default 0
    index: {
        value: 0
     * The total number of pages
     * @attribute total
     * @type {Number}
     * @default 0
    total: {
        value: 0

Y.extend(PaginatorPlugin, Y.Plugin.Base, {

     * Designated initializer
     * @method initializer
    initializer: function() {
        var host;

        host = this._host = this.get('host');
        this.afterHostMethod('_uiDimensionsChange', this._calculatePageOffsets);
        this.beforeHostMethod('_flickFrame', this._flickFrame);
        this.afterHostEvent('scrollEnd', this._scrollEnded);
        this.afterHostEvent('render', this._afterRender);
        this.after('indexChange', this._afterIndexChange);

        if(host.get('bounce') !== 0) {
            // Change bounce constant to increase friction
            this._originalHostBounce = host.get('bounce'); 
            host.set('bounce', BOUNCE_DECELERATION_CONST);

     * Destructor removes anything added by the plugin
     * @method destructor
    destructor: function() {
        var host = this._host;

        if(host.get('bounce') !== 0) {
            host.set('bounce', this._originalHostBounce);

     * Pre-calculate the min/max boundary points when the contentBox changes
     * @method _calculatePageOffsets
     * @protected
    _calculatePageOffsets: function() {
        var host = this._host,
            cb = host.get('contentBox'),
            pageSelector = this.get('selector'),
            points = [];

        // Pre-calculate min/max values for each page
        pages = pageSelector ? cb.all(pageSelector) : cb.get('children');
        pages.each(function(node, i) {
        }, this);

        points.push(host._scrollWidth - host.get('width'));
        this._minPoints = points;

        this.set('total', pages.size());

     * Executed to respond to the flick event, by over-riding the default flickFrame animation. 
     * This is needed to determine if the next or prev page should be activated.
     * @method _flickFrame
     * @protected
    _flickFrame: function() {
        var host = this._host,
            velocity = host._currentVelocity,

            inc = velocity < 0,

            pageIndex = this.get('index'),
            pageCount = this.get('total');

        if (velocity) {
            Y.log("Handling flick - increment: " + inc + ", pageIndex: " + pageIndex, "scrollview-paginator");

            if (inc && pageIndex < pageCount-1) {
                this.set('index', pageIndex+1);
            } else if (!inc && pageIndex > 0) {
                this.set('index', pageIndex-1);

        return this._prevent;

     * After host render handler
     * @method _afterRender
     * @protected
    _afterRender: function(e) {
        var host = this._host;

     * scrollEnd handler detects if a page needs to change
     * @method _scrollEnded
     * @param {Event.Facade}
     * @protected
     _scrollEnded: function(e) {
         var host = this._host,
             pageIndex = this.get('index'),
             pageCount = this.get('total');

         Y.log("_scrollEnded - onGME: " + e.onGestureMoveEnd + ", flicking: " + host._flicking + ", halfway: " + host._scrolledHalfway + ", forward: " + host._scrolledForward, "scrollview-paginator");

         if(e.onGestureMoveEnd && !host._flicking) {
             if(host._scrolledHalfway) {
                 if(host._scrolledForward && pageIndex < pageCount-1) {
                     this.set('index', pageIndex+1);
                 } else if(pageIndex > 0) {
                     this.set('index', pageIndex-1);
                 } else {
             } else {

         host._flicking = false;

     * index attr change handler
     * @method _afterIndexChange
     * @protected
    _afterIndexChange: function(e) {
        if(e.src !== UI) {
     * Update the UI based on the current page index
     * @method _uiIndex
     * @protected
    _uiIndex: function(index) {
        this.scrollTo(index, 350, 'ease-out');
     * Scroll to the next page in the scrollview, with animation
     * @method next
     * @param disableAnim {Boolean} If true, no animation is used
    next: function(disableAnim) {
        var index = this.get('index');  
        if(index < this.get('total')-1) {
            this.set('index', index+1);
     * Scroll to the previous page in the scrollview, with animation
     * @method prev
     * @param disableAnim {Boolean} If true, no animation is used
    prev: function(disableAnim) {
        var index = this.get('index');
        if(index > 0) {
            this.set('index', index-1);
     * Scroll to a given page in the scrollview, with animation.
     * @method scrollTo
     * @param index {Number} The index of the page to scroll to
     * @param duration {Number} The number of ms the animation should last
     * @param easing {String} The timing function to use in the animation
    scrollTo: function(index, duration, easing) {
        var host = this._host,
            x = host.get('scrollX');

        if(host._scrollsHorizontal) {
            x = this._minPoints[index];

            host.set('scrollX', x, {
                duration: duration,
                easing: easing
     * Snaps the scrollview to the currently selected page
     * @method snapToCurrent
    snapToCurrent: function() {


        Y.log("snapToCurrent:" + this.get("index"), "scrollview-paginator");

        this._host.set('scrollX', this._minPoints[this.get('index')], {
            duration: 300,
            easing: 'ease-out'
    _prevent: new Y.Do.Prevent()

Y.namespace('Plugin').ScrollViewPaginator = PaginatorPlugin;

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