Yahoo! UI Library

Uploader  3.3.0

Yahoo! UI Library > uploader > uploader.js (source view)
 * Upload files to the server with support for file filtering, multiple file uploads
 * and progress monitoring.
 * @module uploader
var Event = Y.Event,
    Node = Y.Node;

var SWFURL = Y.Env.cdn + "uploader/assets/uploader.swf";

 * The Uploader widget is a tool for uploading files to the server.
 * @module uploader
 * @title Uploader
 * @requires base, node, event, swf

 * Creates the Uploader instance and keeps the initialization data
 * @class Uploader
 * @extends Y.Base
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters for the Uploader. The following parameters are available:
 *        <dl>
 *          <dt>boundingBox : String|Node (required)</dt>
 *          <dd></dd>
 *          <dt>buttonSkin : String (optional)</dt>
 *          <dd></dd>
 *          <dt>transparent : String (optional)</dt>
 *          <dd></dd>
 *          <dt>swfURL : String (optional)</dt>
 *          <dd></dd>
 *        </dl>
function Uploader (config /*Object*/) {
	Uploader.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

	if (config.hasOwnProperty("boundingBox")) {
		this.set("boundingBox", config.boundingBox);

	if (config.hasOwnProperty("buttonSkin")) {
		this.set("buttonSkin", config.buttonSkin);
	if (config.hasOwnProperty("transparent")) {
		this.set("transparent", config.transparent);
	if (config.hasOwnProperty("swfURL")) {
		this.set("swfURL", config.swfURL);

Y.extend(Uploader, Y.Base, {
    * The reference to the instance of Y.SWF that encapsulates the instance of the Flash player with uploader logic.
    * @private
    * @property uploaderswf
    * @type {SWF}
    * @default null

    * The id of this instance of uploader.
    * @private
    * @property _id
    * @type {String}

    * Construction logic executed during Uploader instantiation.
    * @method initializer
    * @protected
	initializer : function () {
	this._id = Y.guid("uploader");
    var oElement ="boundingBox"));

	var params = {version: "10.0.45",
  	          	  fixedAttributes: {allowScriptAccess:"always", allowNetworking:"all", scale: "noscale"},
	              flashVars: {}};

	if (this.get("buttonSkin") != "") {
		params.flashVars["buttonSkin"] = this.get("buttonSkin");
	if (this.get("transparent")) {
		params.fixedAttributes["wmode"] = "transparent";

    this.uploaderswf = new Y.SWF(oElement, this.get("swfURL"), params);

	var upswf = this.uploaderswf;
	var relEvent = Y.bind(this._relayEvent, this);

	* Announces that the uploader is ready and available for calling methods
	* and setting properties
	* @event uploaderReady
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the uploaderReady.
	upswf.on ("swfReady", Y.bind(this._initializeUploader, this));
	* Fired when the mouse button is clicked on the Uploader's 'Browse' button.
	* @event click
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the click.
	upswf.on ("click", relEvent);

	* Fires when the user has finished selecting a set of files to be uploaded.
	* @event fileselect
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the fileSelect.
	*  <dl>
	*      <dt>fileList</dt>
	*          <dd>The file list Object with entries in the following format: 
	               fileList[fileID] = {id: fileID, name: fileName, cDate: fileCDate, mDate: fileMDate, size: fileSize}</dd>
	*  </dl>
	upswf.on ("fileselect", relEvent);

	* Fired when the mouse button is pressed on the Uploader's 'Browse' button.
	* @event mousedown
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the mousedown.
	upswf.on ("mousedown", relEvent);

	* Fired when the mouse button is raised on the Uploader's 'Browse' button.
	* @event mouseup
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the mouseup.
	upswf.on ("mouseup", relEvent);

	* Fired when the mouse leaves the Uploader's 'Browse' button.
	* @event mouseleave
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the mouseleave.
	upswf.on ("mouseleave", relEvent);

	* Fired when the mouse enters the Uploader's 'Browse' button.
	* @event mouseenter
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the mouseenter.
	upswf.on ("mouseenter", relEvent);

	* Announces that the uploader is ready and available for calling methods
	* and setting properties
	* @event uploadcancel
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the uploaderReady.
	*  <dl>
	*      <dt>ddEvent</dt>
	*          <dd><code>drag:start</code> event from the thumb</dd>
	*  </dl>
	upswf.on ("uploadcancel", relEvent);

	* Fires when a specific file's upload is cancelled.
	* @event uploadcomplete
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadcancel.
	*  <dl>
	*      <dt>id</dt>
	*          <dd>The id of the file whose upload has been cancelled.</dd>
	*  </dl>
	upswf.on ("uploadcomplete", relEvent);

	* If the server has sent a response to the file upload, this event is
	* fired and the response is added to its payload.
	* @event uploadcompletedata
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadcompletedata.
	*  <dl>
	*      <dt>id</dt>
	*          <dd>The id of the file for which the response is being provided.</dd>
	*      <dt>data</dt>
	*          <dd>The content of the server response.</dd>
	*  </dl>
	upswf.on ("uploadcompletedata", relEvent);

	* Provides error information if an error has occurred during the upload.
	* @event uploaderror
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadeerror.
	*  <dl>
	*      <dt>id</dt>
	*          <dd>The id of the file for which the upload error has occurred.</dd>
	*      <dt>status</dt>
	*          <dd>Relevant error information.</dd>
	*  </dl>
	upswf.on ("uploaderror", relEvent);

	* Provides progress information on a specific file upload.
	* @event uploadprogress
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadprogress.
	*  <dl>
	*      <dt>id</dt>
	*          <dd>The id of the file for which the progress information is being provided.</dd>
	*      <dt>bytesLoaded</dt>
	*          <dd>The number of bytes of the file that has been uploaded.</dd>
	*      <dt>bytesTotal</dt>
	*          <dd>The total number of bytes in the file that is being uploaded.</dd>
	*  </dl>
	upswf.on ("uploadprogress", relEvent);

	* Announces that the upload has been started for a specific file.
	* @event uploadstart
	* @param event {Event} The event object for the uploadstart.
	*  <dl>
	*      <dt>id</dt>
	*          <dd>The id of the file whose upload has been started.</dd>
	*  </dl>
	upswf.on ("uploadstart", relEvent);

    * Removes a specific file from the upload queue.
    * @method removeFile
    * @param fileID {String} The ID of the file to be removed
    * @return {Object} The updated file list, which is an object of the format:
    * fileList[fileID] = {id: fileID, name: fileName, cDate: fileCDate, mDate: fileMDate, size: fileSize}
	removeFile : function (fileID /*String*/) {
		return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("removeFile", [fileID]);
    * Clears the upload queue.
    * @method clearFileList
    * @return {Boolean} This method always returns true.
	clearFileList : function () {
		return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("clearFileList", []);

    * Starts the upload of a specific file.
    * @method upload
    * @param fileID {String} The ID of the file to be uploaded.
    * @param url {String} The URL to upload the file to.
    * @param method {String} (optional) The HTTP method to use for sending additional variables, either 'GET' or 'POST' ('GET' by default)
	* @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request.
	* @param postFileVarName {String} (optional) The name of the POST variable that should contain the uploaded file ('Filedata' by default)
    * @return {Boolean} This method always returns true.
	upload : function (fileID /*String*/, url /*String*/, method /*String*/, postVars /*Object*/, postFileVarName /*String*/) {
	    if (Y.Lang.isArray(fileID)) {
			return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("uploadThese", [fileID, url, method, postVars, postFileVarName]);
		else if (Y.Lang.isString(fileID)) {
			return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("upload", [fileID, url, method, postVars, postFileVarName]);

    * Starts the upload of a set of files, as specified in the first argument. 
    * The upload queue is managed automatically.
    * @method uploadThese
    * @param fileIDs {Array} The array of IDs of the files to be uploaded.
    * @param url {String} The URL to upload the files to.
    * @param method {String} (optional) The HTTP method to use for sending additional variables, either 'GET' or 'POST' ('GET' by default)
	* @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request.
	* @param postFileVarName {String} (optional) The name of the POST variable that should contain the uploaded file ('Filedata' by default)
	uploadThese : function (fileIDs /*Array*/, url /*String*/, method /*String*/, postVars /*Object*/, postFileVarName /*String*/) {
		return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("uploadThese", [fileIDs, url, method, postVars, postFileVarName]);

    * Starts the upload of the files in the upload queue. 
    * The upload queue is managed automatically.
    * @method uploadAll
    * @param url {String} The URL to upload the files to.
    * @param method {String} (optional) The HTTP method to use for sending additional variables, either 'GET' or 'POST' ('GET' by default)
	* @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request.
	* @param postFileVarName {String} (optional) The name of the POST variable that should contain the uploaded file ('Filedata' by default).
	uploadAll : function (url /*String*/, method /*String*/, postVars /*Object*/, postFileVarName /*String*/) {
		return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("uploadAll", [url, method, postVars,postFileVarName]);

    * Cancels the upload of a specific file, if currently in progress.
    * @method cancel
    * @param fileID {String} (optional) The ID of the file whose upload should be cancelled. If no ID is specified, all uploads are cancelled.
	cancel : function (fileID /*String*/) {
		return this.uploaderswf.callSWF("cancel", [fileID]);

	 * @private
	 * Setter for the 'log' property.
	 * @method setAllowLogging
	 * @param value {Boolean} The value for the 'log' property.
	setAllowLogging : function (value /*Boolean*/) {
		this.uploaderswf.callSWF("setAllowLogging", [value]);

	 * @private
	 * Setter for the 'multiFiles' property.
	 * @method setAllowMultipleFiles
	 * @param value {Boolean} The value for the 'multiFiles' property.
	setAllowMultipleFiles : function (value /*Boolean*/) {
		this.uploaderswf.callSWF("setAllowMultipleFiles", [value]);

	 * @private
	 * Setter for the 'simLimit' property.
	 * @method setSimUploadLimit
	 * @param value {Boolean} The value for the 'simLimit' property.
	setSimUploadLimit : function (value /*int*/) {
		this.uploaderswf.callSWF("setSimUploadLimit", [value]);

	 * @private
	 * Setter for the 'fileFilters' property.
	 * @method setFileFilters
	 * @param value {Boolean} The value for the 'fileFilters' property.
	setFileFilters : function (fileFilters /*Array*/) {
		this.uploaderswf.callSWF("setFileFilters", [fileFilters]);

    * Enables the uploader user input (mouse clicks on the 'Browse' button). If the button skin 
    * is applied, the sprite is reset from the "disabled" state.
    * @method enable
	enable : function () {

    * Disables the uploader user input (mouse clicks on the 'Browse' button). If the button skin 
    * is applied, the sprite is set to the 'disabled' state.
    * @method enable
	disable : function () {

	 * @private
	 * Called when the uploader SWF is initialized
	 * @method _initializeUploader
	 * @param event {Object} The event to be propagated from Flash.
	_initializeUploader: function (event) {
			this.publish("uploaderReady", {fireOnce:true});"uploaderReady", {});

	 * @private
	 * Called when an event is dispatched from Uploader
	 * @method _relayEvent
	 * @param event {Object} The event to be propagated from Flash.
	_relayEvent: function (event) {
		    Y.log("Firing event...");
		    Y.log(event.type);, event);
	toString: function()
		return "Uploader " + this._id;

         * The flag that allows Flash player to 
         * output debug messages to its trace stack 
         * (if the Flash debug player is used).
         * @attribute log
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @default false
		log: {
			value: false,
			setter : "setAllowLogging"

         * The flag that allows the user to select
         * more than one files during the 'Browse'
         * dialog (using 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' keys).
         * @attribute multiFiles
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @default false
		multiFiles : {
			value: false,
			setter : "setAllowMultipleFiles"
         * The number of files that can be uploaded
         * simultaneously if the automatic queue management
         * is used. This value can be in the range between 2
         * and 5.
         * @attribute simLimit
         * @type {Number}
         * @default 2
		simLimit : {
			value: 2,
			setter : "setSimUploadLimit"

         * The array of filters on file extensions for
         * the 'Browse' dialog. These filters only provide
         * convenience for the user and do not strictly
         * limit the selection to certain file extensions.
         * Each item in the array must contain a 'description'
         * property, and an 'extensions' property that must be
         * in the form "*.ext;*.ext;*.ext;..."
         * @attribute fileFilters
         * @type {Array}
         * @default []
		fileFilters : {
			value: [],
			setter : "setFileFilters"
         * The Node containing the uploader's 'Browse' button.
         * @attribute boundingBox
         * @type {Node}
         * @default null
         * @writeOnce
		boundingBox : {
			value: null,
			writeOnce: 'initOnly'
         * The URL of the image sprite for skinning the uploader's 'Browse' button.
         * @attribute buttonSkin
         * @type {String}
         * @default null
         * @writeOnce
		buttonSkin : {
			value: null,
			writeOnce: 'initOnly'
         * The flag indicating whether the uploader is rendered 
         * with a transparent background.
         * @attribute transparent
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @default true
         * @writeOnce
		transparent : {
			value: true,
			writeOnce: 'initOnly'
         * The URL of the uploader's SWF.
         * @attribute swfURL
         * @type {String}
         * @default "assets/uploader.swf"
         * @writeOnce
		swfURL : {
			value : SWFURL,
			writeOnce: 'initOnly'
Y.Uploader = Uploader;

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