This example provides a new button () in the toolbar that opens a custom panel.
This custom panel contains an AutoComplete Control that queries Flickr for tags and displays the images.
A selected image will be inserted into the Editor for ease of use.
Setting up the Editor's HTML is done by creating a textarea
control on the page.
1 | <form method="post" action="#" id="form1"> |
2 | <textarea id="editor" name="editor" rows="20" cols="75"> |
3 | This is some more test text. <font face="Times New Roman">This is some more test text. |
4 | This is some more <b>test <i>text</i></b></font>. |
5 | This is some more test text. This is some more test text. |
6 | This is some more test text. This is some more test text. This is some more test text. |
7 | This is some more test text. |
8 | </textarea> |
9 | </form> |
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Once the textarea
is on the page, then initialize the Editor like this:
1 | //The Editor config |
2 | var myConfig = { |
3 | height: '300px', |
4 | width: '600px', |
5 | animate: true, |
6 | dompath: true, |
7 | focusAtStart: true |
8 | }; |
9 | |
10 | //Now let's load the Editor. |
11 | var myEditor = new YAHOO.widget.Editor('editor', myConfig); |
view plain | print | ? |
Here we subscribe to the toolbarLoaded
Custom Event and create the new Button (flickr
). After adding it to the group called insertitem
, we subscribe to it's flickrClick
Custom Event.
Inside this Custom Event, we set the STOP_EXEC_COMMAND
var to true
, which will keep the Editor from trying to run execCommand('flickr', '')
Then we call gutter.toggle()
which will either hide or show our custom panel.
1 | var myEditor = new YAHOO.widget.Editor('editor', myConfig); |
2 | |
3 | //Wait for the editor's toolbar to load |
4 | myEditor.on('toolbarLoaded', function() { |
5 | //create the new gutter object |
6 | gutter = new YAHOO.gutter(); |
7 | |
8 | //The Toolbar buttons config |
9 | var flickrConfig = { |
10 | type: 'push', |
11 | label: 'Insert Flickr Image', |
12 | value: 'flickr' |
13 | } |
14 | |
15 | //Add the button to the "insertitem" group |
16 | myEditor.toolbar.addButtonToGroup(flickrConfig, 'insertitem'); |
17 | |
18 | //Handle the button's click |
19 | myEditor.toolbar.on('flickrClick', function(ev) { |
20 | this._focusWindow(); |
21 | if (ev && ev.img) { |
22 | //To abide by the Flickr TOS, we need to link back to the image that we just inserted |
23 | var html = '<a href="' + ev.url + '"><img src="' + ev.img + '" title="' + ev.title + '"></a>'; |
24 | this.execCommand('inserthtml', html); |
25 | } |
26 | //Toggle the gutter, so that it opens and closes based on this click. |
27 | gutter.toggle(); |
28 | }); |
29 | //Create the gutter control |
30 | gutter.createGutter(); |
31 | }); |
32 | myEditor.render(); |
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There are 2 important states to style a button in the toolbar.
First is the default state, that can be accessed via this CSS rule: .yui-toolbar-container .yui-toolbar-flickr span.yui-toolbar-icon
Second is the selected state, that can be accessed via this CSS rule: .yui-toolbar-container .yui-toolbar-flickr-selected span.yui-toolbar-icon
is the class applied to the top-most container of the toolbar.
is an extra SPAN
injected into the button for spriting an image.
is a dynamic class added to the button based on the value
passed into the button's config. It is used for specific styling of a button that may appear in several places on the page.
1 | .yui-skin-sam .yui-toolbar-container .yui-toolbar-flickr span.yui-toolbar-icon { |
2 | background-image: url( assets/flickr_default.gif ); |
3 | background-position: 1px 0px; |
4 | } |
5 | .yui-skin-sam .yui-toolbar-container .yui-toolbar-flickr-selected span.yui-toolbar-icon { |
6 | background-image: url( assets/flickr_active.gif ); |
7 | background-position: 1px 0px; |
8 | } |
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The gutter in this example is not part of the Editor, but could easily be modified to do other things.
1 | (function() { |
2 | //Some private vars |
3 | var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom, |
4 | Event = YAHOO.util.Event; |
5 | |
6 | YAHOO.gutter = function() { |
7 | return { |
8 | //The current status of the gutter (true is open) |
9 | status: false, |
10 | //Placeholder for the Overlay control |
11 | gutter: null, |
12 | /* |
13 | * This method will create the Overlay and |
14 | * attach some animations to the show and hide events |
15 | */ |
16 | createGutter: function() { |
17 | //Creating the Overlay |
18 | this.gutter = new YAHOO.widget.Overlay('gutter1', { |
19 | height: '425px', |
20 | width: '300px', |
21 | //Setting it the context of the Editor's container |
22 | context: [ |
23 | myEditor.get('element'), |
24 | 'tl', |
25 | 'tr' |
26 | ], |
27 | //Set the position |
28 | position: 'absolute', |
29 | //Hide by default |
30 | visible: false |
31 | }); |
32 | /* |
33 | * The hideEvent will control the status of the toolbar button as well |
34 | * as fire the animation off to close the gutter |
35 | */ |
36 | this.gutter.hideEvent.subscribe(function() { |
37 | //Deselect the flickr button in the toolbar |
38 | myEditor.toolbar.deselectButton('flickr'); |
39 | Dom.setStyle('gutter1', 'visibility', 'visible'); |
40 | var anim = new YAHOO.util.Anim('gutter1', { |
41 | width: { |
42 | from: 300, |
43 | to: 0 |
44 | }, |
45 | opacity: { |
46 | from: 1, |
47 | to: 0 |
48 | } |
49 | }, 1); |
50 | //When the animation is done, hide the element. |
51 | anim.onComplete.subscribe(function() { |
52 | Dom.setStyle('gutter1', 'visibility', 'hidden'); |
53 | }); |
54 | //Animate it |
55 | anim.animate(); |
56 | }, this, true); |
57 | /* |
58 | * The showEvent will control the status of the toolbar button as well |
59 | * as fire the animation off to open the gutter |
60 | */ |
61 | this.gutter.showEvent.subscribe(function() { |
62 | //Select the flickr button in the toolbar |
63 | myEditor.toolbar.selectButton('flickr'); |
64 | //Set the context of the panel (in case it was lost in the animation) |
65 | this.gutter.cfg.setProperty('context',[ |
66 | myEditor.get('element'), |
67 | 'tl', |
68 | 'tr' |
69 | ]); |
70 | //Set the width to 0 pixels. |
71 | Dom.setStyle(this.gutter.element, 'width', '0px'); |
72 | var anim = new YAHOO.util.Anim('gutter1', { |
73 | width: { |
74 | from: 0, |
75 | to: 300 |
76 | }, |
77 | opacity: { |
78 | from: 0, |
79 | to: 1 |
80 | } |
81 | }, 1); |
82 | //Animate it |
83 | anim.animate(); |
84 | }, this, true); |
85 | |
86 | var warn = ''; |
87 | //Check if we are using Safari or Opera, if we are show the warning that you can't drag and drop images |
88 | if (myEditor.browser.webkit || myEditor.browser.opera) { |
89 | warn = myEditor.STR_IMAGE_COPY; |
90 | } |
91 | //Set the body of the gutter to hold the HTML needed to render the autocomplete |
92 | this.gutter.setBody('<h2>Flickr Image Search</h2><label for="flikr_search">Tag:</label>' + |
93 | '<input type="text" value="" id="flickr_search"><div id="flickr_results">' + |
94 | '<p>Enter flickr tags into the box above, separated by commas. Be patient, ' + |
95 | 'this example may take a few seconds to get the images.<p></div>' + warn); |
96 | this.gutter.render(document.body); |
97 | }, |
98 | /* |
99 | * Open the gutter using Overlay's show method |
100 | */ |
101 | open: function() { |
102 | Dom.get('flickr_search').value = ''; |
103 |; |
104 | this.status = true; |
105 | }, |
106 | /* |
107 | * Close the gutter using Overlay's close method |
108 | */ |
109 | close: function() { |
110 | this.gutter.hide(); |
111 | this.status = false; |
112 | }, |
113 | /* |
114 | * Check the state of the gutter and close it if it's open |
115 | * or open it if it's closed. |
116 | */ |
117 | toggle: function() { |
118 | if (this.status) { |
119 | this.close(); |
120 | } else { |
121 |; |
122 | } |
123 | } |
124 | } |
125 | } |
126 | |
127 | })(); |
view plain | print | ? |
First we wait until flickr_search
is available on the page. Then we set up a click handler on flickr_results
to see if the user clicked an image.
If an image is clicked, we will call myEditor.execCommand('insertimage', IMG)
to insert the image into the Editor.
This Autocomplete control uses a DataSource that points to Flickr Web Services; Flickr returns XML data via a simple PHP proxy. In order to return valid data from the Flickr application, scriptQueryParameter has been customized to be tags, and scriptQueryAppend is used to pass in additional required arguments. The cache has been disabled so that each query is forced to make a trip to the live application.
This instance of AutoComplete defines a robust custom formatResult function that parses result data into custom HTML markup that displays an actual image from the Flickr server. Automatic highlighting of the first result item in the container has been disabled by setting autoHighlight to false.
1 | YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable('flickr_search', function() { |
2 | YAHOO.util.Event.on('flickr_results', 'click', function(ev) { |
3 | var tar = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(ev); |
4 | if (tar.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'img') { |
5 | if (tar.getAttribute('fullimage', 2)) { |
6 | var img = tar.getAttribute('fullimage', 2), |
7 | title = tar.getAttribute('fulltitle'), |
8 | owner = tar.getAttribute('fullowner'), |
9 | url = tar.getAttribute('fullurl'); |
10 | this.toolbar.fireEvent('flickrClick', { |
11 | type: 'flickrClick', |
12 | img: img, |
13 | title: title, |
14 | owner: owner, |
15 | url: url |
16 | }); |
17 | } |
18 | } |
19 | }); |
20 | oACDS = new YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR("assets/flickr_proxy.php", |
21 | ["photo", "title", "id", "owner", "secret", "server"]); |
22 | oACDS.scriptQueryParam = "tags"; |
23 | oACDS.responseType = YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_XML; |
24 | oACDS.maxCacheEntries = 0; |
25 | oACDS.scriptQueryAppend = ""; |
26 | |
27 | // Instantiate AutoComplete |
28 | oAutoComp = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete('flickr_search','flickr_results', oACDS); |
29 | oAutoComp.autoHighlight = false; |
30 | oAutoComp.alwaysShowContainer = true; |
31 | oAutoComp.formatResult = function(oResultItem, sQuery) { |
32 | // This was defined by the schema array of the data source |
33 | var sTitle = oResultItem[0]; |
34 | var sId = oResultItem[1]; |
35 | var sOwner = oResultItem[2]; |
36 | var sSecret = oResultItem[3]; |
37 | var sServer = oResultItem[4]; |
38 | var urlPart = 'http:/'+'/' + sServer + '/' + sId + '_' + sSecret; |
39 | var sUrl = urlPart + '_s.jpg'; |
40 | var lUrl = urlPart + '_m.jpg'; |
41 | var fUrl = 'http:/'+'/' + sOwner + '/' + sId; |
42 | var sMarkup = '<img src="' + sUrl + '" fullimage="' + lUrl + '" fulltitle="' + sTitle + '" fullid="' + |
43 | sOwner + '" fullurl="' + fUrl + '" class="yui-ac-flickrImg" title="Click to add this image to the editor"><br>'; |
44 | return (sMarkup); |
45 | }; |
46 | }); |
view plain | print | ? |
You can load the necessary JavaScript and CSS for this example from Yahoo's servers. Click here to load the YUI Dependency Configurator with all of this example's dependencies preconfigured.
Note: Logging and debugging is currently turned off for this example.
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