Yahoo! UI Library

collection  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > collection > YUI~array~extras

Class YUI~array~extras

Adds the following array utilities to the YUI instance (Y.Array). This is in addition to the methods provided in the core.


lastIndexOf - static object

Returns the index of the last item in the array that contains the specified value, -1 if the value isn't found. method Array.lastIndexOf



static boolean Array.every ( a , f , o )
Executes the supplied function on each item in the array.
a <Array> the array to iterate
f <Function> the function to execute on each item
o <object> Optional context object
Returns: boolean
true if every item in the array returns true from the supplied function.


static Array Array.filter ( a , f , o )
Executes the supplied function on each item in the array. Returns a new array containing the items that the supplied function returned true for.
a <Array> the array to iterate
f <Function> the function to execute on each item
o <object> Optional context object
Returns: Array
The items on which the supplied function returned true. If no items matched an empty array is returned.


static object Array.find ( a , f , o )
Executes the supplied function on each item in the array, searching for the first item that matches the supplied function.
a <Array> the array to search
f <Function> the function to execute on each item. Iteration is stopped as soon as this function returns true on an item.
o <object> Optional context object
Returns: object
the first item that the supplied function returns true for, or null if it never returns true


static Array Array.grep ( a , pattern )
Iterates over an array, returning a new array of all the elements that match the supplied regular expression
a <Array> a collection to iterate over
pattern <RegExp> The regular expression to test against each item
Returns: Array
All the items in the collection that produce a match against the supplied regular expression. If no items match, an empty array is returned.

static Array ( a , f , o )
Executes the supplied function on each item in the array.
a <Array> the array to iterate
f <Function> the function to execute on each item
o <object> Optional context object
Returns: Array
A new array containing the return value of the supplied function for each item in the original array.


static Array.partition ( a , o )
Partitions an array into two new arrays, one with the items that match the supplied function, and one with the items that do not.
a <Array> a collection to iterate over
o <object> Optional execution context of f.
An object with two members, 'matches' and 'rejects', that are arrays containing the items that were selected or rejected by the test function (or an empty array).


static Array.reduce ( a , init , f , o )
Executes the supplied function on each item in the array. Reduce "folds" the array into a single value.
a <Array> the array to iterate
init <object> The initial value to start from
f <Function> the function to execute on each item. It is responsible for returning the updated value of the computation.
o <object> Optional context object
A value that results from iteratively applying the supplied function to each element in the array.


static Array Array.reject ( a , f , o )
The inverse of filter. Executes the supplied function on each item. Returns a new array containing the items that the supplied function returned *false* for.
a <Array> the array to iterate
f <Function> the function to execute on each item
o <object> Optional context object
Returns: Array
The items on which the supplied function returned false.


static Array Array.unique ( a , sort )
Returns a copy of the array with the duplicate entries removed
a <Array> the array to find the subset of uniques for
sort <bool> flag to denote if the array is sorted or not. Defaults to false, the more general operation
Returns: Array
a copy of the array with duplicate entries removed

static ( a , a2 )
Creates an array of arrays by pairing the corresponding elements of two arrays together into a new array.
a <Array> a collection to iterate over
a2 <Array> another collection whose members will be paired with members of the first parameter
An array of arrays formed by pairing each element of the first collection with an item in the second collection having the corresponding index.

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