Yahoo! UI Library

event  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > event > key.js (source view)
 * Functionality to listen for one or more specific key combinations.
 * @module event
 * @submodule event-key

 * Add a key listener.  The listener will only be notified if the
 * keystroke detected meets the supplied specification.  The
 * spec consists of the key event type, followed by a colon,
 * followed by zero or more comma separated key codes, followed
 * by zero or more modifiers delimited by a plus sign.  Ex:
 * press:12,65+shift+ctrl
 * @event key
 * @for YUI
 * @param type {string} 'key'
 * @param fn {function} the function to execute
 * @param id {string|HTMLElement|collection} the element(s) to bind
 * @param spec {string} the keyCode and modifier specification
 * @param o optional context object
 * @param args 0..n additional arguments to provide to the listener.
 * @return {Event.Handle} the detach handle
Y.Env.evt.plugins.key = {

    on: function(type, fn, id, spec, o) {
        var a = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true), parsed, etype, criteria, ename;

        parsed = spec && spec.split(':');

        if (!spec || spec.indexOf(':') == -1 || !parsed[1]) {
Y.log('Illegal key spec, creating a regular keypress listener instead.', 'info', 'event');
            a[0] = 'key' + ((parsed && parsed[0]) || 'press');
            return Y.on.apply(Y, a);

        // key event type: 'down', 'up', or 'press'
        etype = parsed[0];

        // list of key codes optionally followed by modifiers
        criteria = (parsed[1]) ? parsed[1].split(/,|\+/) : null;

        // the name of the custom event that will be created for the spec
        ename = (Y.Lang.isString(id) ? id : Y.stamp(id)) + spec;

        ename = ename.replace(/,/g, '_');

        if (!Y.getEvent(ename)) {

            // subscribe spec validator to the DOM event
            Y.on(type + etype, function(e) {

                // Y.log('keylistener: ' + e.keyCode);
                var passed = false, failed = false, i, crit, critInt;

                for (i=0; i<criteria.length; i=i+1) {
                    crit = criteria[i]; 
                    critInt = parseInt(crit, 10);

                    // pass this section if any supplied keyCode 
                    // is found
                    if (Y.Lang.isNumber(critInt)) {

                        if (e.charCode === critInt) {
                            // Y.log('passed: ' + crit);
                            passed = true;
                        } else {
                            failed = true;
                            // Y.log('failed: ' + crit);

                    // only check modifier if no keyCode was specified
                    // or the keyCode check was successful.  pass only 
                    // if every modifier passes
                    } else if (passed || !failed) {
                        passed = (e[crit + 'Key']);
                        failed = !passed;
                        // Y.log(crit + ": " + passed);

                // fire spec custom event if spec if met
                if (passed) {
          , e);

            }, id);


        // subscribe supplied listener to custom event for spec validator
        // remove element and spec.
        a.splice(2, 2);
        a[0] = ename;

        return Y.on.apply(Y, a);

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