* String variable substitution and string formatting.
* If included, the substitute method is added to the YUI instance.
* @module substitute
var L = Y.Lang, DUMP='dump', SPACE=' ', LBRACE='{', RBRACE='}',
* The following methods are added to the YUI instance
* @class YUI~substitute
// @todo template configurability is not implemented yet
// @param ldelim {string} optional left delimiter for the replacement token (default: left brace)
// @param rdelim {string} optional right delimiter for the replacement token (default: right brace)
* Does variable substitution on a string. It scans through the string
* looking for expressions enclosed in { } braces. If an expression
* is found, it is used a key on the object. If there is a space in
* the key, the first word is used for the key and the rest is provided
* to an optional function to be used to programatically determine the
* value (the extra information might be used for this decision). If
* the value for the key in the object, or what is returned from the
* function has a string value, number value, or object value, it is
* substituted for the bracket expression and it repeats. If this
* value is an object, it uses the Object's toString() if this has
* been overridden, otherwise it does a shallow dump of the key/value
* pairs if Y.dump is available (if dump isn't available, toString()
* is used).
* This method is included in the 'substitute' module. It is not included
* in the YUI module.
* @method substitute
* @param s {string} The string that will be modified.
* @param o An object containing the replacement values
* @param f {function} An optional function that can be used to
* process each match. It receives the key,
* value, and any extra metadata included with
* the key inside of the braces.
* @return {string} the substituted string
substitute = function (s, o, f, ldelim, rdelim) {
var i, j, k, key, v, meta, saved=[], token, dump;
ldelim = ldelim || LBRACE;
rdelim = rdelim || RBRACE;
for (;;) {
i = s.lastIndexOf(ldelim);
if (i < 0) {
j = s.indexOf(rdelim, i);
if (i + 1 >= j) {
//Extract key and meta info
token = s.substring(i + 1, j);
key = token;
meta = null;
k = key.indexOf(SPACE);
if (k > -1) {
meta = key.substring(k + 1);
key = key.substring(0, k);
// lookup the value
v = o[key];
// if a substitution function was provided, execute it
if (f) {
v = f(key, v, meta);
if (L.isObject(v)) {
if (!Y.dump) {
v = v.toString();
} else {
if (L.isArray(v)) {
v = Y.dump(v, parseInt(meta, 10));
} else {
meta = meta || "";
// look for the keyword 'dump', if found force obj dump
dump = meta.indexOf(DUMP);
if (dump > -1) {
meta = meta.substring(4);
// use the toString if it is not the Object toString
// and the 'dump' meta info was not found
if (v.toString===Object.prototype.toString||dump>-1) {
v = Y.dump(v, parseInt(meta, 10));
} else {
v = v.toString();
} else if (!L.isString(v) && !L.isNumber(v)) {
// This {block} has no replace string. Save it for later.
v = "~-" + saved.length + "-~";
saved[saved.length] = token;
// break;
s = s.substring(0, i) + v + s.substring(j + 1);
// restore saved {block}s
for (i=saved.length-1; i>=0; i=i-1) {
s = s.replace(new RegExp("~-" + i + "-~"), ldelim + saved[i] + rdelim, "g");
return s;
Y.substitute = substitute;
L.substitute = substitute;