Yahoo! UI Library

event-custom  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > event-custom > EventTarget

Class EventTarget

Known Subclasses:
EventTarget provides the implementation for any object to publish, subscribe and fire to custom events, and also alows other EventTargets to target the object with events sourced from the other object. EventTarget is designed to be used with Y.augment to wrap EventCustom in an interface that allows events to be listened to and fired by name. This makes it possible for implementing code to subscribe to an event that either has not been created yet, or will not be created at all.



private void _getType ( )
If the instance has a prefix attribute and the event type is not prefixed, the instance prefix is applied to the supplied type.


private void _parseType ( )
Returns an array with the detach key (if provided), and the prefixed event name from _getType Y.on('detachcategory, menu:click', fn)


void addTarget ( o )
Registers another EventTarget as a bubble target. Bubble order is determined by the order registered. Multiple targets can be specified.
o <EventTarget> the target to add


after ( type , fn )
Subscribe to a custom event hosted by this object. The supplied callback will execute after any listeners add via the subscribe method, and after the default function, if configured for the event, has executed.
type <string> The type of the event
fn <Function> The callback
the event target or a detach handle per 'chain' config


before ( )
Executes the callback before a DOM event, custom event or method. If the first argument is a function, it is assumed the target is a method. For DOM and custom events, this is an alias for Y.on. For DOM and custom events: type, callback, context, 0-n arguments For methods: callback, object (method host), methodName, context, 0-n arguments
detach handle
Deprecated use the on method


boolean bubble ( evt )
Propagate an event. Requires the event-custom-complex module.
evt <Event.Custom> the custom event to propagate
Returns: boolean
the aggregated return value from


EventTarget detach ( type , fn , context )
Detach one or more listeners the from the specified event
type <string|Object> Either the handle to the subscriber or the type of event. If the type is not specified, it will attempt to remove the listener from all hosted events.
fn <Function> The subscribed function to unsubscribe, if not supplied, all subscribers will be removed.
context <Object> The custom object passed to subscribe. This is optional, but if supplied will be used to disambiguate multiple listeners that are the same (e.g., you subscribe many object using a function that lives on the prototype)
Returns: EventTarget
the host


void detachAll ( type )
Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will be removed.
type <string> The type, or name of the event


Event.Target fire ( type , arguments )
Fire a custom event by name. The callback functions will be executed from the context specified when the event was created, and with the following parameters. If the custom event object hasn't been created, then the event hasn't been published and it has no subscribers. For performance sake, we immediate exit in this case. This means the event won't bubble, so if the intention is that a bubble target be notified, the event must be published on this object first. The first argument is the event type, and any additional arguments are passed to the listeners as parameters. If the first of these is an object literal, and the event is configured to emit an event facade, that object is mixed into the event facade and the facade is provided in place of the original object.
type <String|Object> The type of the event, or an object that contains a 'type' property.
arguments <Object*> an arbitrary set of parameters to pass to the handler. If the first of these is an object literal and the event is configured to emit an event facade, the event facade will replace that parameter after the properties the object literal contains are copied to the event facade.
Returns: Event.Target
the event host


Event.Custom getEvent ( type , prefixed )
Returns the custom event of the provided type has been created, a falsy value otherwise
type <string> the type, or name of the event
prefixed <string> if true, the type is prefixed already
Returns: Event.Custom
the custom event or null


on ( type , fn )
Subscribe to a custom event hosted by this object
type <string> The type of the event
fn <Function> The callback
the event target or a detach handle per 'chain' config


Event.Custom publish ( type , opts )
Creates a new custom event of the specified type. If a custom event by that name already exists, it will not be re-created. In either case the custom event is returned.
type <string> the type, or name of the event
opts <object> optional config params. Valid properties are:
  • 'broadcast': whether or not the YUI instance and YUI global are notified when the event is fired (false)
  • 'bubbles': whether or not this event bubbles (true)
  • 'context': the default execution context for the listeners (this)
  • 'defaultFn': the default function to execute when this event fires if preventDefault was not called
  • 'emitFacade': whether or not this event emits a facade (false)
  • 'prefix': the prefix for this targets events, e.g., 'menu' in 'menu:click'
  • 'fireOnce': if an event is configured to fire once, new subscribers after the fire will be notified immediately.
  • 'preventable': whether or not preventDefault() has an effect (true)
  • 'preventedFn': a function that is executed when preventDefault is called
  • 'queuable': whether or not this event can be queued during bubbling (false)
  • 'silent': if silent is true, debug messages are not provided for this event.
  • 'stoppedFn': a function that is executed when stopPropagation is called
  • 'type': the event type (valid option if not provided as the first parameter to publish)
Returns: Event.Custom
the custom event


void removeTarget ( o )
Removes a bubble target
o <EventTarget> the target to remove


void subscribe ( )
subscribe to an event
Deprecated use on


void unsubscribe ( )
detach a listener
Deprecated use detach


void unsubscribeAll ( type )
Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will be removed.
type <string> The type, or name of the event
Deprecated use detachAll

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