Yahoo! UI Library

event-custom  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > event-custom > event-do.js (source view)
 * Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM 
 * events.
 * @module event-custom
 * @submodule event-custom-base
(function() {

 * Allows for the insertion of methods that are executed before or after
 * a specified method
 * @class Do
 * @static

var BEFORE = 0,
    AFTER = 1;

Y.Do = {

     * Cache of objects touched by the utility
     * @property objs
     * @static
    objs: {},

     * Execute the supplied method before the specified function
     * @method before
     * @param fn {Function} the function to execute
     * @param obj the object hosting the method to displace
     * @param sFn {string} the name of the method to displace
     * @param c The execution context for fn
     * @return {string} handle for the subscription
     * @static
    before: function(fn, obj, sFn, c) {
        // Y.log('Do before: ' + sFn, 'info', 'event');
        var f = fn, a;
        if (c) {
            a = [fn, c].concat(Y.Array(arguments, 4, true));
            f = Y.rbind.apply(Y, a);

        return this._inject(BEFORE, f, obj, sFn);

     * Execute the supplied method after the specified function
     * @method after
     * @param fn {Function} the function to execute
     * @param obj the object hosting the method to displace
     * @param sFn {string} the name of the method to displace
     * @param c The execution context for fn
     * @return {string} handle for the subscription
     * @static
    after: function(fn, obj, sFn, c) {
        var f = fn, a;
        if (c) {
            a = [fn, c].concat(Y.Array(arguments, 4, true));
            f = Y.rbind.apply(Y, a);

        return this._inject(AFTER, f, obj, sFn);

     * Execute the supplied method after the specified function
     * @method _inject
     * @param when {string} before or after
     * @param fn {Function} the function to execute
     * @param obj the object hosting the method to displace
     * @param sFn {string} the name of the method to displace
     * @param c The execution context for fn
     * @return {string} handle for the subscription
     * @private
     * @static
    _inject: function(when, fn, obj, sFn) {

        // object id
        var id = Y.stamp(obj), o, sid;

        if (! this.objs[id]) {
            // create a map entry for the obj if it doesn't exist
            this.objs[id] = {};

        o = this.objs[id];

        if (! o[sFn]) {
            // create a map entry for the method if it doesn't exist
            o[sFn] = new Y.Do.Method(obj, sFn);

            // re-route the method to our wrapper
            obj[sFn] = 
                function() {
                    return o[sFn].exec.apply(o[sFn], arguments);

        // subscriber id
        sid = id + Y.stamp(fn) + sFn;

        // register the callback
        o[sFn].register(sid, fn, when);

        return new Y.EventHandle(o[sFn], sid);


     * Detach a before or after subscription
     * @method detach
     * @param handle {string} the subscription handle
    detach: function(handle) {

        if (handle.detach) {


    _unload: function(e, me) {



 * Wrapper for a displaced method with aop enabled
 * @class Do.Method
 * @constructor
 * @param obj The object to operate on
 * @param sFn The name of the method to displace
Y.Do.Method = function(obj, sFn) {
    this.obj = obj;
    this.methodName = sFn;
    this.method = obj[sFn];
    this.before = {};
    this.after = {};

 * Register a aop subscriber
 * @method register
 * @param sid {string} the subscriber id
 * @param fn {Function} the function to execute
 * @param when {string} when to execute the function
Y.Do.Method.prototype.register = function (sid, fn, when) {
    if (when) {
        this.after[sid] = fn;
    } else {
        this.before[sid] = fn;

 * Unregister a aop subscriber
 * @method delete
 * @param sid {string} the subscriber id
 * @param fn {Function} the function to execute
 * @param when {string} when to execute the function
Y.Do.Method.prototype._delete = function (sid) {
    // Y.log('Y.Do._delete: ' + sid, 'info', 'Event');
    delete this.before[sid];
    delete this.after[sid];

 * Execute the wrapped method
 * @method exec
Y.Do.Method.prototype.exec = function () {

    var args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true), 
        i, ret, newRet, 
        bf = this.before,
        af = this.after,
        prevented = false;

    // execute before
    for (i in bf) {
        if (bf.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            ret = bf[i].apply(this.obj, args);
            if (ret) {
                switch (ret.constructor) {
                    case Y.Do.Halt:
                        return ret.retVal;
                    case Y.Do.AlterArgs:
                        args = ret.newArgs;
                    case Y.Do.Prevent:
                        prevented = true;

    // execute method
    if (!prevented) {
        ret = this.method.apply(this.obj, args);

    // execute after methods.
    for (i in af) {
        if (af.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            newRet = af[i].apply(this.obj, args);
            // Stop processing if a Halt object is returned
            if (newRet && newRet.constructor == Y.Do.Halt) {
                return newRet.retVal;
            // Check for a new return value
            } else if (newRet && newRet.constructor == Y.Do.AlterReturn) {
                ret = newRet.newRetVal;

    return ret;


 * Return an AlterArgs object when you want to change the arguments that
 * were passed into the function.  An example would be a service that scrubs
 * out illegal characters prior to executing the core business logic.
 * @class Do.AlterArgs
Y.Do.AlterArgs = function(msg, newArgs) {
    this.msg = msg;
    this.newArgs = newArgs;

 * Return an AlterReturn object when you want to change the result returned
 * from the core method to the caller
 * @class Do.AlterReturn
Y.Do.AlterReturn = function(msg, newRetVal) {
    this.msg = msg;
    this.newRetVal = newRetVal;

 * Return a Halt object when you want to terminate the execution
 * of all subsequent subscribers as well as the wrapped method
 * if it has not exectued yet.
 * @class Do.Halt
Y.Do.Halt = function(msg, retVal) {
    this.msg = msg;
    this.retVal = retVal;

 * Return a Prevent object when you want to prevent the wrapped function
 * from executing, but want the remaining listeners to execute
 * @class Do.Prevent
Y.Do.Prevent = function(msg) {
    this.msg = msg;

 * Return an Error object when you want to terminate the execution
 * of all subsequent method calls.
 * @class Do.Error
 * @deprecated use Y.Do.Halt or Y.Do.Prevent
Y.Do.Error = Y.Do.Halt;


// Y["Event"] && Y.Event.addListener(window, "unload", Y.Do._unload, Y.Do);


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