Yahoo! UI Library

test  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > test > TestManager.js (source view)

     * Runs pages containing test suite definitions.
     * @namespace Test
     * @class Manager
     * @static
    Y.Test.Manager = {
         * Constant for the testpagebegin custom event
         * @property TEST_PAGE_BEGIN_EVENT
         * @static
         * @type string
         * @final
        TEST_PAGE_BEGIN_EVENT : "testpagebegin",
         * Constant for the testpagecomplete custom event
         * @property TEST_PAGE_COMPLETE_EVENT
         * @static
         * @type string
         * @final
        TEST_PAGE_COMPLETE_EVENT : "testpagecomplete",
         * Constant for the testmanagerbegin custom event
         * @property TEST_MANAGER_BEGIN_EVENT
         * @static
         * @type string
         * @final
        TEST_MANAGER_BEGIN_EVENT : "testmanagerbegin",
         * Constant for the testmanagercomplete custom event
         * @property TEST_MANAGER_COMPLETE_EVENT
         * @static
         * @type string
         * @final
        TEST_MANAGER_COMPLETE_EVENT : "testmanagercomplete",
        // Private Properties
         * The URL of the page currently being executed.
         * @type String
         * @private
         * @property _curPage
         * @static
        _curPage : null,
         * The frame used to load and run tests.
         * @type Window
         * @private
         * @property _frame
         * @static
        _frame : null,
         * The logger used to output results from the various tests.
         * @type YAHOO.tool.TestLogger
         * @private
         * @property _logger
         * @static
        _logger : null,
         * The timeout ID for the next iteration through the tests.
         * @type int
         * @private
         * @property _timeoutId
         * @static
        _timeoutId : 0,
         * Array of pages to load.
         * @type String[]
         * @private
         * @property _pages
         * @static
        _pages : [],
         * Aggregated results
         * @type Object
         * @private
         * @property _results
         * @static
        _results: null,
        // Private Methods
         * Handles TestRunner.COMPLETE_EVENT, storing the results and beginning
         * the loop again.
         * @param {Object} data Data about the event.
         * @return {Void}
         * @private
         * @static
        _handleTestRunnerComplete : function (data) {
            this.fireEvent(this.TEST_PAGE_COMPLETE_EVENT, {
                    page: this._curPage,
                    results: data.results
            //save results
            //this._results[this.curPage] = data.results;
            //process 'em
            this._processResults(this._curPage, data.results);
            //if there's more to do, set a timeout to begin again
            if (this._pages.length){
                this._timeoutId = setTimeout(function(){
                }, 1000);
            } else {
                this.fireEvent(this.TEST_MANAGER_COMPLETE_EVENT, this._results);
         * Processes the results of a test page run, outputting log messages
         * for failed tests.
         * @return {Void}
         * @private
         * @static
        _processResults : function (page, results) {
            var r = this._results;
            r.passed += results.passed;
            r.failed += results.failed;
            r.ignored += results.ignored;
            if (results.failed){
            } else {
   = page;
            results.type = "page";
            r[page] = results;
         * Loads the next test page into the iframe.
         * @return {Void}
         * @static
         * @private
        _run : function () {
            //set the current page
            this._curPage = this._pages.shift();
            this.fireEvent(this.TEST_PAGE_BEGIN_EVENT, this._curPage);
            //load the frame - destroy history in case there are other iframes that
            //need testing
        // Public Methods
         * Signals that a test page has been loaded. This should be called from
         * within the test page itself to notify the TestManager that it is ready.
         * @return {Void}
         * @static
        load : function () {
            if (parent.YAHOO.tool.TestManager !== this){
            } else {
                if (this._frame) {
                    //assign event handling
                    var TestRunner = this._frame.YAHOO.tool.TestRunner;
                    TestRunner.subscribe(TestRunner.COMPLETE_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerComplete, this, true);
                    //run it
         * Sets the pages to be loaded.
         * @param {String[]} pages An array of URLs to load.
         * @return {Void}
         * @static
        setPages : function (pages) {
            this._pages = pages;
         * Begins the process of running the tests.
         * @return {Void}
         * @static
        start : function () {
            if (!this._initialized) {
                 * Fires when loading a test page
                 * @event testpagebegin
                 * @param curPage {string} the page being loaded
                 * @static
                 * Fires when a test page is complete
                 * @event testpagecomplete
                 * @param obj {page: string, results: object} the name of the
                 * page that was loaded, and the test suite results
                 * @static
                 * Fires when the test manager starts running all test pages
                 * @event testmanagerbegin
                 * @static
                 * Fires when the test manager finishes running all test pages.  External
                 * test runners should subscribe to this event in order to get the
                 * aggregated test results.
                 * @event testmanagercomplete
                 * @param obj { pages_passed: int, pages_failed: int, tests_passed: int
                 *              tests_failed: int, passed: string[], failed: string[],
                 *              page_results: {} }
                 * @static
                //create iframe if not already available
                if (!this._frame){
                    var frame = document.createElement("iframe");
           = "hidden";
           = "absolute";
                    this._frame = frame.contentWindow || frame.contentDocument.parentWindow;
                //create test logger if not already available
                //if (!this._logger){
                //    this._logger = new YAHOO.tool.TestLogger();
                this._initialized = true;
            // reset the results cache
            this._results = {
                passed: 0,
                failed: 0,
                ignored: 0,
                total: 0,
                type: "report",
                name: "YUI Test Results",
                // number of pages that pass
                pages_passed: 0,
                // number of pages that fail
                pages_failed: 0,
                // total number of tests passed
                tests_passed: 0,
                // total number of tests failed
                tests_failed: 0,
                // array of pages that passed
                passed: [],
                // array of pages that failed
                failed: [],
                // map of full results for each page
                page_results: {}*/
            this.fireEvent(this.TEST_MANAGER_BEGIN_EVENT, null);
         * Stops the execution of tests.
         * @return {Void}
         * @static
        stop : function () {
    Y.mix(Y.Test.Manager, Y.Event.Target.prototype);

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