Yahoo! UI Library

test  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > test > TestSuite.js (source view)
     * A test suite that can contain a collection of TestCase and TestSuite objects.
     * @param {String||Object} data The name of the test suite or an object containing
     *      a name property as well as setUp and tearDown methods.
     * @namespace Test
     * @class Suite
     * @constructor
    Y.Test.Suite = function (data /*:String||Object*/) {
         * The name of the test suite.
         * @type String
         * @property name
         */ = "";
         * Array of test suites and
         * @private
        this.items = [];
        //initialize the properties
        if (Y.Lang.isString(data)){
   = data;
        } else if (Y.Lang.isObject(data)){
            Y.mix(this, data, true);
        //double-check name
        if ( === ""){
   = "testSuite" + Y.guid();
    Y.Test.Suite.prototype = {
         * Adds a test suite or test case to the test suite.
         * @param {Y.Test.Suite||Y.Test.Case} testObject The test suite or test case to add.
         * @return {Void}
         * @method add
        add : function (testObject /*:Y.Test.Suite*/) {
            if (testObject instanceof Y.Test.Suite || testObject instanceof Y.Test.Case) {
            return this;
        // Stub Methods
         * Function to run before each test is executed.
         * @return {Void}
         * @method setUp
        setUp : function () {
         * Function to run after each test is executed.
         * @return {Void}
         * @method tearDown
        tearDown: function () {

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